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  1. VirusOfLife

    Realistic or Modern Girl's School?

    I'm interested
  2. VirusOfLife

    Marymount Academy [All Girls School]

    The rp is going to start up again soon. When Everlasting gives me the link, I'll post it. ^^ Here is the link to the new rp.
  3. VirusOfLife

    All Girls Academy RP Here is the new link to the rp.
  4. VirusOfLife

    Riverview Academy [Character Creation]

    Thanks. I wasn't sure what I was going to do for my character and I ended up flipping back and forth and I forgot to correct that part.
  5. VirusOfLife

    Riverview Academy [Character Creation]

    Name: Rinninaki Averin Nickname: Rin Place of Birth: Japan Age: 16 Gender: Female Year: Third Likes: The dark, her katana, butterflies, snow, and anything that is black. Dislikes: Pointlessness, stupid questions and people, overly-happy people, being hugged. Power/Ability: She...
  6. VirusOfLife

    ~Looking for 1x1s~

    Sweet! Sounds good. No rush on that, by the by. The by. (Borderlands 2 reference)
  7. VirusOfLife

    ~Looking for 1x1s~

    If you're interested, I'd be open to slice of live happy-go-lucky boarding school type stuff.
  8. VirusOfLife

    Marymount Academy [All Girls School]

    I'd love to join, if you're rebooting it, so to speak. I'm on pretty much everyday so I can help keep it going. I even have a character finished.
  9. VirusOfLife

    LF Long term, mature 1x1.

    Take your time. No rush here.
  10. VirusOfLife

    LF Long term, mature 1x1.

    If you're still looking, I'm interested. I'm good at being a female (obviously) and I'm pretty much up for anything; being theme, content, etc.
  11. VirusOfLife

    Thank you. ^^

    Thank you. ^^
  12. VirusOfLife

    Thanks. ^^

    Thanks. ^^
  13. VirusOfLife

    I know, I just felt like going to yours. And yes, it was a wonderful visit. xD

    I know, I just felt like going to yours. And yes, it was a wonderful visit. xD
  14. VirusOfLife

    Well, Cybele followed me so I figured I would follow both of you. xD

    Well, Cybele followed me so I figured I would follow both of you. xD