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  1. M

    Fantasy Protectors

    Hazley looks over at Mina, trying to remember who she was. Still filled with rage his memory pulls through and he responds "Holiday, well deserved too!". Still angry, he decides to put the bridge situation on hold and asks "what are you lot doing?", hoping he could go on another adventure.
  2. M

    Fantasy Protectors

    Hazley saw a large flash  in the distance, he decided to go and check it. Whilst landing at the scene he realises that this was the works of the decimators. Hazley tryies to remember if he knows them... He gives up. Still very angry about the bridge, he yells "WHO THE F**K BLEW UP THAT BRIDGE? I...
  3. M

    Fantasy Protectors

    Hazley returns from his holiday in the Bahamas and flies back to his tree fort. With a warm welcome from his dog and a crisp pre-apocalypse newspaper under his arm, he steps out on his balcony and takes a deep breath. "I wonder where that group of kids got to...", he looks into the distance and...
  4. M

    Fantasy Protectors - Additional IC

    Hazley had been with Decimators for a long time, and today, had been asked to step in on a training session and observe. It was obvious that his superiors had noticed just how much these occasional short walks had been doing for his stamina.
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    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    Hazley, annoyed by the fact that his warm milk had been rejected begins to set fire to the boy. He spins whirlwinds of fire round him but it dosent seem to be doing anything!
  6. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    Hazley, looks at the new girl dazzled by her abrupt tone he offers he and the other boy a glass of warm milk and hands them both a sheet on which they can sign in. He explains to them their rent and leaves them alone.
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    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    approved smiole no dont
  8. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    approved yes plz well done
  9. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    Twas a typical Monday morning for Hazley. He wakes up at 7 and goes downstairs to get peoples warm milk ready. Hazley's Inn does not serve food as he believes that warm milk is the answer to everything when it comes to your bowels. He sat down with his warm milk and waited for one of his three...
  10. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    Approved. wow. perfect response.
  11. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    NAME: Hazley AGE: 15 GENDER: Male POWERS: Telekinesis, Combustion, Ice n stuff, More magical things like flying 'n' s**t... REASON FOR SALTINESS: None of your business. LOOKS(CAN BE A PIC IDC): He has hair, it is brown, he is tallish, he is white. DESCRIPTION: Niceish guy. Does...
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    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    @MaxFromIKEA, please edit this post to include the RP overview information.
  13. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    @MaxFromIKEA, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  14. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

  15. M

    Fantasy Saltlake City: A Nation of Vengeance

    Saltlake City was formed out of the pure anger and saltiness of the people living in towns around it. However, in the middle of this ginormous city there is a small Inn owned by a humble child. (The uh... The story is kinda set in the Inn but you can leave it if you want to I don't really care...
  16. M

    Fantasy Protectors

    @Tohoak Can you accept me? You'll never know how much you need Hazley, until you accept Hazley.
  17. M

    Fantasy Protectors

    Name: Hazley Age: 80 Gender: Male Sexuality: Straight Crush(optional): Nope. Powers(can't be op.): Flying, Telekinesis, Combustion(of other things although i guess he could set himself on fire but that would only maker the wrinkles worse...), Magical walking Stick that freezes things...