-He sighed, and walked to the hanger, walking over to his own Arwing. He looked at the others, seeing each had some modifications that made them unique. It was time he did the same to his. He grabbed some tools, and began to work on the Arwing.-
Inside himself, he was jumping around with excitement. He was sitting right next to the one he was looking up to when he was young. "So, what else do we do in between missions we receive? I assume this isn't all you do"
"Well I kinda did save the other cadets when we were attacked. I didn't wimp out and go hide. I took them head on. And I did help Fox in destroying their mobile base." He kept the smirk on his face, crossing his arms.
"I'm Chip, I'm the new member of Star Fox" He motioned to the patch on his jacket, a smirk on his face. He was standing in the same room as the one who he had looked up to for many many years, and now he was finally talking to him, at least trying to.