She'd sit and fumble with her hands as she glances out the window to figure out where we were going before turning to Miles. "U-uhm.. Where are we again?" She'd mumble as she glanced at the others for an answer as she looked to them hopping out of the car clutching her bag close to her as she...
She'd glance at the bottle and then him. "I-Is this safe M-miles..?" She'd look slightly unnerved about it.. including the strange feeling. "Uhm.. nevermind.. let's go.." She'd hop inside the car as she'd buckle in calmly, trying to hide her nervousness..
She'd look at Miles as she stood beside him as she'd hold her head a bit. "A small migrane though I probably will be fine without it." She chimed as she shook off the bad feeling. "Ready when you two are!" She'd look to Miles with a slight consern but shrugs it off as if nothing at all..
She'd look too Miles. "S-sure..! I'm up for a drive.." She'd smiled and would walk toward miles waiting for them to go to the car. She'd pocket the book she was reading as she glanced toward Zim but returned to her quiet state. "Are we ready to go, Miles?"
Sherri kept quiet as she glanced around a bit, unfortunately, most ignored her.. per usual. Though regardless she sat down and read one of the satanic books she had found at the school library. When it came to the weird and mysterious Sherri was the one to go to, she knew more than plenty when...
Sherri would book it to the meetup location >"On my way! Almost there!"
She'd sigh as she made it, Abruptly opening the door just as Annie would have shut the door on her face. "I-I'm here! I-I'm not late right?" She'd glance around at those who had arrived. Her bangs covering her vibrant red...