Search results for query: *

  1. KuraiKarasu

    Multiple Settings The Partner Search (。◕‿◕。)

    Hello! So I love RPing and have two regular rp buddies already, but I just... need more. Because I never stop writing. Or creating new characters. It's an issue. I love discussing ideas and worldbuilding. I love angsty plots. I love pain and suffering followed by sweet fluff. Romance isn't...
  2. KuraiKarasu

    I was in the hospital all night last night. I will try to respond to everything as soon as I...

    I was in the hospital all night last night. I will try to respond to everything as soon as I can. I'm so sorry for the delays.
  3. KuraiKarasu

    Hey there! I'd love to plot plan and try an RP with you c: I can't seem to PM you though for...

    Hey there! I'd love to plot plan and try an RP with you c: I can't seem to PM you though for some reason ;-; Would you mind tossing me a PM?
  4. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for Fantasy RP Partners~ (Closed for now)

    @AshCookie32 Busy schedules don't scare me away at all c: I'm in university myself so I too sometimes have trouble replying as often as I'd like, so I completely understand if you have trouble replying for a few days at a time if need be! I just made sure to mention that I need active partners...
  5. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for Fantasy RP Partners~ (Closed for now)

    @Idea I would if I could! I'm still new though so I'll have to wait a few more hours before sending you a PM c:
  6. KuraiKarasu


    @Kestrel Awesome ^^ Shall we discuss it in a PM then?
  7. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for Fantasy RP Partners~ (Closed for now)

    @DanDanDan Sounds good~ Around once a day at least is fine with me and I'm fine if you want to do shorter replies or are less active. School can be pretty rough, and I'm a uni student myself who should honestly be studying for finals but ehh... RPs help me relax. Did you have anything in...
  8. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for partner![Ignore count!]

    @FoxxyDemon PMs would be lovely! You'd have to send me a PM though since I'm new and can't start conversations yet ^^;
  9. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for Fantasy RP Partners~ (Closed for now)

    Hey there! So, it's been a long time since I've RPed, but I used to do it a lot before. I have several characters developed beforehand, and I don't mind developing new ones for new RPs. I enjoy both modern and medieval fantasy, as well as anything atypical. The less predictable the better! My...
  10. KuraiKarasu

    Looking for partner![Ignore count!]

    I'm rather interested in the Vampire/Werewolf x Human pairings c: I typically prefer playing male characters as well xD If you're interested, I have a few of my own characters in mind c: Also~ clever fox where do you hide
  11. KuraiKarasu


    @Tronethiel Thank you! I'll do that then c:
  12. KuraiKarasu


    @Kestrel *drowns in confetti* Thank you so much! ^^ Those links are very helpful~ I've explored a bit and gained my bearings c: The only question I have is... Would you be interested in a Fantasy RP with me? //shot It's a totally spur of the moment question I'm sorry xD I don't even have a...
  13. KuraiKarasu


    Hey there! I wouldn't mind doing the Babysitter's Club, Doggie Style, or Crossing Lines plots with you c: I have a few characters in mind already that I think would be interesting~ Let me know if you're still looking?
  14. KuraiKarasu

    You're not scared of me? (MxF Romance)

    I wouldn't mind doing the half dragon, half human one with you as well if you're still interested c:
  15. KuraiKarasu


    Hello everyone! I'm new here and I love roleplaying c: I haven't been doing it for a while now, but I just started to get back into it. I'm hoping I can find some partners here! Anyway, as for who I am... I'm a girl living in Canada. I don't have any pets though I adore cats. As for my roleplay...