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  1. Sassafras

    Bitter Disguises (Closed)

    This time, when the accusations came, Hux was prepared for them. A single brow rose in deliberate challenge as if to say 'is that all?' as though he couldn't be bothered to rise in the face of Ren's baiting. But then Ren continued. Hux knew that he should have expected nothing more than a...
  2. Sassafras

    Bitter Disguises (Closed)

    Though his face remained impassive, the verbal blow struck home. FN-2187 - Hux and Phasma had had such high hopes for the young trooper. A rare specimen of surprising readiness and skill, if somewhat prone to unnecessary sentiment (nothing that a bit retraining shouldn't have been able to cure)...
  3. Sassafras

    Bitter Disguises (Closed)

    The growl, like so many other things, went unremarked upon, if only because Hux told himself that rolling his eyes would have been undignified, not to mention counterproductive. Even so, a single eyebrow rose as if to question the veracity of Ren's statement. Patch himself up, would he? Having...
  4. Sassafras

    Literature what are you currently reading?

    Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. Not my usual fare, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  5. Sassafras

    Bitter Disguises (Closed)

    "So we're to speak of failures now, are we, Ren? And what of your own?" Hux chided, fully aware of the implications of his words, and the wealth of fury brewing in the dark clad man behind him. Honestly, he was too bloody furious to care if Ren turned on him. If Kylo Ren was a storm cloud...
  6. Sassafras

    Bitter Disguises (Closed)

    Ash and metal mingled on his lips as Hux freed himself from a fallen panel, ignoring the sharp pain that tore through his ankle as something jagged bit into it and sank deep. No, it wasn't until he discovered Ren that he swore openly. Kylo Ren had always been an anathema to him, arrogant and...
  7. Sassafras

    Hades and Persephone?

    Looks like quite a few people jumped on this, but if you end up in need of another partner, do let me know. I am head over heels for this particular myth/pairing and would love to breathe a bit of new life into it with you.
  8. Sassafras

    Star Wars: TFA?

    Just starting out so, unfortunately, a PM will have to wait, as the 10/24 rule still applies to me at present. That being said, I would love to be the Hux to your Kylo. I find the dynamics between them (especially as far as a possible relationship is concerned) to be incredibly fascinating. On...