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  1. B

    Other Werewolves or Vampires?

    Vampires, of course.
  2. B

    When in the Nation, just say hi

    Welcome to the Nation!
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    High School RP!

    I'm quite interested in roleplaying with you. It's been way too long since I've last done a high school roleplay. I have no qualms concerning doubling, and I already have a couple characters thought up who I'd love to use.
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    You're very welcome, and thank you!
  5. B

    Hogwarts Sorting Ceremony

    I've been sorted into Ravenclaw on Pottermore, though I equally see myself doing well in Slytherin.
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    Favourite gaming Character and why?

    Mine's Varric Tethras from the Dragon Age series. The why is mostly because I relate to him as a storyteller.
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    Welcome to the Nation, Roni!