Search results for query: *

  1. HippieLotus

    Fandom Danganronpa New Wave

    Well this wasn't what she was used to. A cloudy haze covered Niji's brain and vision as she sat up, rubbing the base of her neck. It hurt like hell. Why was she in a classroom? Didn't she drop out? A million questions ran through her mind. She usually didn't think this much, but the last thing...
  2. HippieLotus

    Fandom Danganronpa New Wave

    Name: Hayai Yubi Appearance: Background: Hayai grew up with two loving parents, but the only problem was him. He always felt indifferent towards them and most everything around him. Nothing really meant anything to him- until he picked up his first guitar. It was hard work at first, and he has...
  3. HippieLotus

    Fandom Danganronpa New Wave

    (Everyone please bear with me, as I am new to this site. Any help would be appreciated.) Rules: -I would like this to be a literate roleplay (meaning I really don't appreciate one-liners) -Please be respectful of the other players and don't kill them off without my say-so -I will be playing...
  4. HippieLotus

    Newbie Alert!!!

    Okie dokie
  5. HippieLotus

    Realistic or Modern Dead to Me

    Location: Georgia, somewhere near the bottom Time period: 20XX Zombies: They are quite slow, but also pretty strong. They can smell humans, but generally have terrible eyesight. They can hear pretty clearly and sound is what attracts them most. The brain must be tampered with to kill them...
  6. HippieLotus

    Realistic or Modern Dead to Me

    @HippieLotus, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  7. HippieLotus

    Realistic or Modern Dead to Me

    I want a maximum of 6 people, please. :) Name: Picture/description: Age: Personality: History: How they came to be with the group: Other:
  8. HippieLotus

    Realistic or Modern Dead to Me

    Tiny pale hands fought not to shake as she pulled her shoulder-length raven hair into a ponytail. It was too humid out, and she could already see the sweat stains forming on the armpits of her navy shirt. She dragged her feet as she walked, really too tired to go any faster. Erin held her...
  9. HippieLotus

    Newbie Alert!!!

    Haha, any time is fine for me! Pm me or somethin!
  10. HippieLotus

    Newbie Alert!!!

    Sure! :)
  11. HippieLotus

    Realistic or Modern Summer Nights and Alabama Lights

    Name Isi Beck Age (15 to 19) 17 Appearance Isi stands at five-foot-two and always stands up straight, thinking it makes her look taller. She has a tendency to nervously chew on her lower lip. Black hair reaches down to her mid-back. Even though it is naturally straight, she usually...
  12. HippieLotus

    Newbie Alert!!!

    Thank you!
  13. HippieLotus

    Newbie Alert!!!

    Yooo. My name is Taylor and I literally just created an account. I've been looking to get back into rping for a while (I roleplayed on neopets as a kid and I still do sometimes). Tbh, I like any kind of rp if I can get interested in it. I'm not sure what else to say other than hi! :)