Search results for query: *

  1. Samsara

    In need of a partner.

    Still looking.
  2. Samsara

    In need of a partner.

  3. Samsara

    In need of a partner.

    Still looking...
  4. Samsara

    In need of a partner.

    Recently somenof my rp’s have “died” a little, so I figured that it was a good idea to write a request. I’m up for MxM, FxF and FxM (But I have preferences on different parings). I’m also able to play both male and female, but also here I have preferences on witch gender I prefer on the parings...
  5. Samsara

    In need of a partner.

    Recently all of my rp’s have “died” out, so I figured that it was a good idea to write a request. I’m up for MxM, FxF and FxM (But I have preferences on different parings). I’m also able to play both male and female, but also here I have preferences on witch gender I prefer on the parings. I...
  6. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    Sure! I like that. Pm me?
  7. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    Added some parings^^
  8. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    That could be fun, but I'm still under the 24 hours 10 post rule, so you have to PM me
  9. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    Sure. PM me?
  10. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    I would love to. PM me?
  11. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    If you pm me we can discuss :)
  12. Samsara

    Family/Foster care rp, anyone?

    I can't pm yet..
  13. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    Sure, we can discuss in pm?
  14. Samsara

    Want to rp? Look here!

    Hello everyone. So, I looked for some new rp's, and came across this site. Hopefully I’ll find some new partners. Right now I mostly crave for modern/ a slice of life, but I’m always open to try new things too (fandoms too, if someone tell me how to rp that). If you think some of this can...
  15. Samsara

    (ALWAYS OPEN) Just looking for some partners

    I can't pm yet...
  16. Samsara

    (ALWAYS OPEN) Just looking for some partners

    I'm interested in rp'ing with you :)
  17. Samsara

    Family/Foster care rp, anyone?

    I'm interested, if you're still looking