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  1. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High

    Jeez, everyone posts when I'm asleep or at school. :V Time to get caught up.
  2. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

    Anthony's eyes widened when the girl waved and smiled at him. After all, he didn't even know her and he was pretty sure that wasn't normal unless, 'Wait. Is she hitting on me? AW YEAH BOY.' he thought to himself. He licked his index fingers, and slid them across his eyebrows. 'Guess girls can't...
  3. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

    After a few more minutes of wandering, Anthony finally found the common sense to summon a map of the school. Once he did, he knew exactly where to go. He whistled a short tune, passing by students and staff who recognized him on the spot. Anthony didn't intentionally try to attract attention to...
  4. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

    He was just about to doze off until someone spoke. This surprised him as he quickly summoned a pistol and held it in his hand while keeping the other on his chest. "Oh, oh... It's my roommate. Jesus, dude you scared me. I almost shot you." He threw the loaded pistol to the side and jumped up...
  5. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High (ALWAYS OPEN)

    "Okay, mom. I love you to. Alright, bye." He shoved the small phone back into his pocket as he gazed at the new school. He wasn't at all interested in the school itself but he was interested in the announcements. 'If I turn in a human, I can get one thousand bucks? Ha! That means nothing to me...
  6. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High

  7. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High

    Anthony "Weapon" Hamilton Appearance: The first thing people notice about, Anthony is his pinkish eyes. That and his tall height of 6'6, he easily towers over most people and intimidates them occasionally. He has pitch black hair, and somewhat tanned skin. On the back of his neck a small scar...
  8. TheAggresivePacifist

    Fantasy CherryHill High

    This looks like a good place for me to start RPing on the site. I'll be making an OC soon and I hope you approve it! :D
  9. TheAggresivePacifist

    Hello. Wait. No. Howdy... That won't work... How's it goin- ... Hi.

    I'm doing okay right now. Thanks for asking! Can I just say I really like your Weiss picture, that's adorable o3o
  10. TheAggresivePacifist

    Hello. Wait. No. Howdy... That won't work... How's it goin- ... Hi.

    Hi there! I'm TheAggressivePacifist. I'm fourteen years old, I love to RP! And... Yeah. How do you do?