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  1. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity,Sphere Roster

    I would, but things recently are getting a little busier in life, and I'm not positive how active I would be able to be.
  2. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity,Sphere Roster

    Aigh, so I can have just a regular human?
  3. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity,Sphere Roster

    Hate to be a bother; But does everyone in the Sphere have the Mark?
  4. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity,Sphere Roster

    Is there a way to hold a slot for a little? I'll try and hop onto this when I get home (At a tech school class currently) but I've got guests over probably the rest of the night.
  5. Spirit Fox

    Stalking about.

    Stalking about.
  6. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity

    I can handle that.
  7. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity

    I would say so. ^^ Oh. Okay, so everyone else here is a big fancy title person, am I okay to be here? .-. I'm such a noob here still. I know how to write (RP with plenty of friends) but I feel so out of place here. .~.
  8. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity

    10 is a large group, but a very manageable group I think. I suppose "large group" means over 2. xD I might be interested then. I haven't done many group RPs. But this sounds really intriguing.
  9. Spirit Fox

    Fragments of Humanity

    Would this be a large group RP thingie?
  10. Spirit Fox

    Looking for a 1x1 partner(s)!

    Wanna PM me? Might make things easier. :)
  11. Spirit Fox

    Looking for 1x1 partners.

    Looking for 1x1 partners.
  12. Spirit Fox

    Looking for a 1x1 partner(s)!

    Heyo, like the title says. Just looking for someone to RP with. I do not have a current plot, but I would really love to come up with one if anyone is interested in RPing with me. I consider myself literate, and a bit experience. I like at least a few lines of writing (ore paragraphs. But...
  13. Spirit Fox

    Looking for a 1x1 romance!

    Well, you can tell me about it and we'll see . .
  14. Spirit Fox

    Looking for a 1x1 romance!

    Heyo all, as the title says, I'm looking for a 1x1. I'm looking for someone that is active online for the most part (we all get busy in life, so I understand). For RP, I'm fairly flexable. I enjoy fantasy a lot, I can do some sci-fi, I could do fandom (Anime, manga, video game... depends...
  15. Spirit Fox

    Anyone interested in RPing?

    Well, I haven't seen a ton. I read a bit more manga if anything (but those frequently cross over). I can't do RP where you be a certain chara from a anime (ex writing as naruto from, well, naruto.) But I can do things like being from that world, such as be a ninja in the Naruto set world. Does...
  16. Spirit Fox

    Anyone interested in RPing?

    Heyo, I'm looking for person/persons to RP with. I'm most familiar with 1x1 for the most part, but I might be willing to try a multi-RP. Ideas? Not yet. I'm fairly flexible, for the most part. I really dig romance in anything (straight only, sorry). I love fantasy, sci-fi, and I might be...
  17. Spirit Fox

    Heyo! New and looking for RP's already. (1x1?)

    Yup, like the title says. New, looking for something fun to do. My friend just got me here (She just signed up minutes ago too) looking for new people to RP with, and I said, "Sure, what the heck!" And came looking here too. I would be highly interested in doing an RP. I enjoy 1X1 probably...
  18. Spirit Fox

    New here!

    New here!