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  1. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Circuits long dead spark anew. Life is where it wasn't. A flash of blue appears in the metal corpses eyes. ACTIIIOOOONSS BAAACKK BABBYY
  2. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Yes mam! Dismemberment is bad!
  3. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    No murder! Just assault! His hand was cut off but the man escaped and destroyed the lean to.
  4. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    All fleshbags are equal in the eyes of Action!
  5. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Hey also, could I get a dorm and class assignment? Action is squatting on the lawn and cutting down trees to build his home, and might attract wild animals with his cooking.
  6. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    After pulling his head free Action sighed, lit up a fire and began to cook. Cooking calmed him, and made sense. He was taking a bunch of raw materials, forging them together in fire, and creating something beautiful and unique. He wondered if he identified with food, but laughed at the notion...
  7. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Defeated, depressed and with his head hung low Action began to reassemble his humble home. Many of the logs were broken, so he had to jury rig peices of the house together. All in all, the little cottage looked like shit. Action slumped to the ground, but due to his immense strength and weight...
  8. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Action, after accidentally shoplifting, headed back home, only to find his lean to torn down, and the mugger gone. He fell to his knees, dropped his shopping bags and screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOO"
  9. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Action left his lean to, patted his little people pet and headed off to the store. He needed fire making and cooking supplies, since he didn't want to hunt and he had no clue how to build tools. The trip was uneventful, despite the wierd looks he got, until he tried to pay for his items, and the...
  10. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Action was too preoccupied with himself to notice them leave. Once he finished his song, Action began to use his saw to cut various trees down. It took a little while, but when he was done Action had a comfy little lean to with a screaming mugger taped duct taped to the roof. "HoMe swEEt hoMe!"
  11. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Action grabbed the burning stop and shoved it in the snow. The man had already passed out so thankfully he didn't scream. He pocketed the gun and the mans wallet before string a pose over the blood splattered snow. He shouted, "ACTION REDMUND! HERO OF NEW MOON TRIUMPHS AGAIN!" Before...
  12. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    In a grey blur, Action slices the hand holding the gun off. It falls and clatters against the ground. Before blood could splatter over the three action dove forward and lit the man's stump aflame in an attempt to cauterize it.
  13. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Despite having no lips, you swear you can see Action smile. "GoOd." He whips around, his cloak falling off his shoulders revealing a buzz saw where his hand should be. The man panics and fires, but the bullet ricochets off of the dark grey metal that makes him off and embeds itself in a tree...
  14. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Action doesn't turn around, but his jovial manner dissipates. Something in his arm starts moving and a faint whirrrrrrr can be heard. "GiRl WhO KnoWs LiZ, WhAT is ScHool PoLIcy on ViOlencE agaInSt nOn-StudeNtS? I wOuLd HaTe to Be ExpeLLed bEFore I eveN sTaRt.
  15. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    As the three talk, a shifty looking man as the three talk, a shifty looking man wearing a large bulky coat over a hoodie that obscured his face shambled up to them. His hand shaking, he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small handgun. "H-hands up. I-I-I want your wallets. All your...
  16. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    That came off as slightly sarcastic, I wasn't trying to be like that. I'm actually sorry for breaking the rules, and I won't complain about any ramifications.
  17. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    Did not but no harm done. I'm sorry, I must have not seen that rule. Do I get banned for a week or something?
  18. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

  19. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    RigHt knOw thOugh, I wAnT to find My dORM
  20. Action Redmund

    Fantasy *~New Moon Academy~*

    I wAnT a MiLlIon dollARs, LaMborGini anD JeNny the TeENage RoBoT.