Search results for query: *

  1. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    "That sounds good. I still intend to come back every hour or so, but this way I can warn you even if something happens to me." @Zer0
  2. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Vel followed the others outside and began to perform some stretching exercises. He wouldn't be needing a horse for the journey; Featherweight allowed him to run as fast as any mount, and far more quietly to boot. "If no one has any objections," he announced to the group, "once we set out I'll...
  3. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    As the Elder left, Vel strode up to Mion. "Surely you aren't actually considering bringing the child with us. It would endanger the mission and it would endanger him. And what's this I hear bout you being its father?" @Zer0
  4. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    "What's this I hear bout a runaway slave?" Vel walked up to the gathered spellblades. When he saw the child, he brought his hand to his chin pensively. "Hmm... Seems more likely to me that he was being held ransom. Far too young to make a good slave." Turning to the Elder, he said, "I suppose...
  5. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    As the Elder Ravine left the courtyard, Vel turned to face the group. He recognized all the spellblades, had spoken with all of them once or twice beforeso his attention was drawn to the healer and the dragon. He walked over to them and offered a greeting. "So you're William, right? My name is...
  6. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    "So the guy comes up to me and he says, 'Listen here kid, this here is my heist. I got here first so I get the loot. Now you just leave quietly or I'll spill your guts on this here carpet, you understand?'" Vel paused in his narration to empty the last of his beer, then slammed the mug down on...
  7. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    Name: Velles Sedin Gender: Male Race: Human Age: 26 Class: Spellblade Height and weight: 6 feet, 150 pounds Personality: Vel gets along better with the average petty thief or smuggler than he does with most spellblades. Though he hunts criminals for a living, as long as they...
  8. CortezsCoffers

    Fantasy Spellblade

    I'd like to join too, if this is still open.