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  • Users: Bambi
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  1. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    I'm so sorry for being so late with my reply!!!! The holidays have been so hectic, ah. I didn't want you to think I'd abandoned our wonderful RP, so I replied a bit hastily. I'm sorry if there's a decline in quality. ;n; But you flatter me!! ;//u//; I'm so happy you enjoy my writing; yours is...
  2. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    So sorry for the delay! ;o; Thank you for being understanding! I was going to ask, should we have Marik make an appearance at this point, and would you like to play him? Or should we have him get away for now and continue with Bakura and Ryou? Either way is good with me!
  3. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    I'm sorry for taking a while, I've had some rough things going on the past few days. ;n; It will probably take me until tomorrow, but I promise I'm working on my post!
  4. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    I would happily go to any side that had 3 Bakuras. ;') The best tendershipping things I've found are not appropriate to post here unfortunately, lmao! & I'm looking forward to reading it! No rush though, your posts are always worth waiting for.
  5. Bambi

    On the lookout for a wonderful RP partner...

    @WhimsicalWriter Ahh, that would be amazing!! Should we PM and plan something out? :3c
  6. Bambi

    Uhh... Hi!

    I'm new as well, so I don't know very much, but I've found so far that people are really helpful and friendly here! Welcome and happy roleplaying!
  7. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    You flatter me! ;u; I didn't want to stop, I'm enjoying writing him so much... but then my heart goes, "need more Ryou."
  8. Bambi

    On the lookout for a wonderful RP partner...

    That would be lovely!! ;u; Which pairing are you interested in and which character would you prefer to play?
  9. Bambi

    One x One Change of Heart (Cross_Rhodes Bambi)

    @Cross_Rhodes Wonderful post! Your characterization of Ryou is already lovely. ;v;
  10. Bambi

    Happy to be here!

    Purity, thank you for the warm welcome and the lovely compliment! Everyone here seems so kind already. :'> I'm a bit shy and awkward at first so it helps to have everyone be so nice. Jsmn, I did actually earn this nickname from Bambi the deer! Maybe an icon change is in order? Haha. Thank you...
  11. Bambi

    On the lookout for a wonderful RP partner...

    Hi there, I'm Bambi! I'm new to the site, but I've been roleplaying for quite a while. I've had a lull in my RP life for the past few months and I really want that to change. First, a little bit about what I'm looking for in a partner: 18 or over. I am 23, and because of that, I would rather...
  12. Bambi

    New Roleplayer... Saphyre Jade

    I'm new too! Hi there. :~) I'm sure you'll get back into the swing of roleplaying before you know it!
  13. Bambi

    Happy to be here!

    Hi, all! I'm Bambi. I'm so happy to have found this site tonight. I've been wanting to get back into roleplay for a while now. I don't know much else to say for right now. I'm mostly interested in fandom roleplaying, but OCs are wonderful too! I'm hoping to find reliable, long-term partners...