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  1. lyrebird

    Fantasy The Few Wild Dragons

    Name: Kaimara Gender: Female Age: Roughly 345 Specie: Stormweaver A very distant cousin to the Stormglider, the Stormweaver was bred selectively by humans from the Stormgliders and many other species with desirable traits to produce a featherless/furless, more potently magical and...
  2. lyrebird

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    Aedai cocked his head at the sudden shadow, craning his neck to stare at the much, much larger dragon in bewilderment. The younger dragon backpedaled immediately, nearly knocking Lynxa over in the process. "What in the world are you doi--" Aedai sounded awed when he replied, "dragon," and...
  3. lyrebird

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    ( ^^ my characters are still open~ they're somewhere near the foothills between karthe and the mountains. should be around the middle of the last page if anyone else is open )
  4. lyrebird

    Do you prefer anime picture or a real picture in role plays?

    I prefer real - It allows me to get a better sense of emotions and flaws in a character that maybe don't deal with their personality or past as much; maybe the character's nose is crooked or one lip thinner than the other and you just don't get these kinds of natural flaws in a drawing, at...
  5. lyrebird

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider (Always Accepting)

    "Lyyyyn. We've been walking all day - my pads are sore! Let's stop for a bit?" Lynxa grit her teeth against Aedai's whining, halting the fleet-footed stallion - Ser'kel. She turned her steel grey glare on the overgrown snake, but seeing his pathetic look she relented. "There's a stream...
  6. lyrebird

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

    thank you very much for letting me join! can i ask whereabouts the characters are/a good way for me to jump in?
  7. lyrebird

    Fantasy A Dragon and Their Rider

    ( first rp on this site... here's hoping i do this right! ) Name: Lynxa Tvarr [ lynx-ah vahr ] Age: 22 Personality: While she may seem brash and rough around the edges, Lynxa is anything but anti-social. She thrives on being with others, but comes off as grumpy and hateful more often than...
  8. lyrebird

    a wild lyrebird has appeared!

    fight----------bag a wild lyrebird has appeared! what do you do? pokemon-----run hi everyone! name's lyre~ i've been rping since i was about six, and nowadays there just doesn't seem to be anywhere decent for me to continue, but i'm hoping i'll finally find that place here. i'm...