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  1. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    I'm sorry I'm just looking for a suitable RP partner; I'm not particularly interested in having a discussion on the appeal of post-apocalyptic RPs.
  2. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

  3. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    Definitely! Feel free to drop me a PM!
  4. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    We'll figure it out and yeah we can start a PM here shortly!
  5. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    I'm familiar mostly with the anime and most of the GGO arc, but not much after that, and also I'd prefer to write a female character but if need be, I suppose I can play a male character!
  6. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    Sure feel free to drop me a PM!
  7. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    Do you think we could discuss this idea over PM? I'd rather not overload this thread with our conversation if you don't mind haha
  8. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    Bioshock could work, I'd be interested in hearing your idea!
  9. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    I wouldn't mind one bit, both our characters could be female! Which idea would you be interested in? Or do you have one of your own in mind?
  10. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    I typically prefer playing female characters, but I can play male as well!
  11. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

  12. PrussianAina

    The Purge [Inactive]

    Cassie choked and desperately tried to suck in air as she dragged herself out of her beloved bookstore. While she knew that in the next few months, they'd just replace everything as if nothing happened, she was hurt that everything she worked hard to maintain would most likely turn to ash...
  13. PrussianAina

    Looking for a cool person to 1x1

    I'd be interested in a Sci-Fi RP or maybe even Horror, just drop me a PM!
  14. PrussianAina

    Red Dawn

    True haha so I guess I'll be making a CS.
  15. PrussianAina

    Red Dawn

    From there
  16. PrussianAina

    Red Dawn

    Makes sense
  17. PrussianAina

    Looking for a partner!

    Well feel free to drop me a PM!
  18. PrussianAina

    Red Dawn

    Yeah, that's quite a popular genre nowadays lol but yeah being that I've been to Billings many times I thought "Hey, not often I get to RP in a place I'm actually familiar with!" lol
  19. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    Lol That's kind of strange, but I mean, like I said, I'm open to other ideas. It didn't have to be strictly CoD but oh well.
  20. PrussianAina

    Always looking for partners!

    So it's been a looong time since I last had a 1x1 partner on this site, and it's nearly been just as long since I've had a steady RP going on so I certainly hope this piques someone's interest! I'm going to list some of the ideas I've been wanting to do lately, but keep in mind that I'm...