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  1. Miss Atomic Bomb

    Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

    Lili was on one of her usual routes around town when she had stopped into an arcade. There wasn't much to do during the day for a ghost, and she knew of a friend who haunted the an arcade game there. His name was Greg the Ghoulish Gamer. He protected his high score on the game Fist Fighters...
  2. Miss Atomic Bomb

    Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

    hehehe i like that one though.
  3. Miss Atomic Bomb

    Fandom Hogwarts

    Name: Margret Wood Age:15 Year:5 House: Gryffindor Blood status: Pureblood Sexuality: Straight Appearance: Personality: Most people are intimidated by Margret Wood. She is strong, independent, and incredibly demanding. Usually, her classmates hate working with her in a group...
  4. Miss Atomic Bomb

    Fandom Gravity falls. The new Mysteries

    Name: Lilium (Lili) Russ Appearence Age:40 Species: Ghost Side: Neutral Personality: A playful spirit, Lilium can usually be found playing jokes on others around town. She loves jokes and messing with people's heads. Some take her pranks as bad omens though and stay away from her...