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  1. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    It would evidently turn out that they were quite different. Jaedric considered himself a weapon, a beast. He was hunter, they the hunted. Whereas Iris seemed to be taking a more...Classical approach to the whole thing. Romanticized, in fact. Jaedric hadn't stopped since he died to sit and...
  2. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    He shrugged. "Cuts don't really bother me anymore...Something about doing much worse to other people make the few knives I've taken seem to...pale in comparison." Sometimes food fought back. Sometimes, food had knives. Only once his food had a gun. He'd taken three shots to the chest before...
  3. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric mulled everything over, coming to decisions in his head. "You said this place was by the forest? Take 'em out back, go a few hundred feet into the forest. Dig a pit large enough for both of them, dig a small tunnel to a smaller pit. Set 'em on fire. Strip them down of course. No...
  4. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    When Iris mentioned her owing him a meal, he couldn't help but bare his fangs, ever so slightly. He ran his tongue over them both, before regaining control over himself and closing his mouth back up. Instincts were a real bitch. Even if she wasn't pumping full of warm blood, ready to spurt...
  5. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    When Iris left the room, Jaedric stared into the mirror for a few more moments. He nodded towards her as she left, oblivious to the half invitation to go back somewhere with her. Once she'd closed the door to the room, he turned around and started the shower back up, scalding hot. Or at least...
  6. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric spent the time she was showering walking around in circles, pacing. He stepped over the woman's legs numerous times, each time growing more and more upset over the entire situation. He had a plan last night. There was a garbage bin out the window down below in the alleyway, he could...
  7. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric dreamt of the time before. His family, his girlfriend, the sunlight. Everything was wonderful and happy. Everyone was alive. He didn't wake when verbally prodded, he stayed still as a gravestone, on his stomach, face deep into the halfway decent hotel room pillow. No, instead he...
  8. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    He could have laid there for hours in this state, or at least he had the urge to. Like he used to after he shot up, needle hanging out of his arm like an addicted piece of trash. Maybe he should've warned her he had quite the addictive personality, he very well may end up craving this feeling...
  9. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric tensed as she went back in for more, the feeling was one that he found very foreign. Here was this woman he didn't know at all, feeding on the life force that he'd stolen from so many others. She could keep going and kill him most likely, or weaken him so much that she could finish him...
  10. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    He shrugged before nodding, holding his wrist out. "Doesn't hurt to try...Unless it...Does..." He had no idea what was going to happen. Maybe she'd throw his blood up in a blackened puddle, start convulsing and go completely rabid. Or maybe he'd taste sweet and everything would be normal...
  11. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric eyed her as she feasted on his leftovers. He couldn't recall a time he'd been that ravenous, at least not lately. He'd been feeding quite regularly and piling up quite the body count. He wasn't afraid of being caught, or even noticed. He'd been disposing his bodies in fire for years...
  12. Dak Sevkla

    One x One Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Vamps in the city, now brought to you by italic dialogue!
  13. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric stared as she walked closer. She could have torn his throat out right then and there while he was dumbstruck like a deer in the headlights of a rapidly approaching car. But this car came slowly, and ran a finger across his face to help clean the mess he had made in the other room...
  14. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric's hand wavered. His baton shook as his arm slowly lowered, dropping his overtly threatening exterior. He suddenly felt like a small boy once again, experiencing the world for the first time. He'd never had another vampire in his life, in his short, brief life. Barely two years since...
  15. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric smirked, letting out a quick puff of air as he shook his head, taking a step back towards the door. Some crazy woman clearly didn't know what she was up against. He'd likely get pepper sprayed as he opened the door, but it had never affected him too badly. Somewhere between super...
  16. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric was in a state of bliss. Post-feeding bliss in fact, an afterglow that warmed his body from within as the sun used to warm his now pale skin from without. Of course, this warmth wasn't anything like he used to feel when he was, well, alive. But he took what he could get. Standing up...
  17. Dak Sevkla

    Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    It was late. The time of night when no one should be outside; at least, anyone who was innocent. Working girls, pimps, drug dealers, the dregs of society were idling by as they waited for their days to end. The strip clubs had closed already, but the sun hadn't quite come out to grace the...
  18. Dak Sevkla

    One x One Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    Jaedric Kaine Name : Jaedric Kaine Species : Veter Age When Turned : 22 True Age : 24 Appearance : A young punk at heart, at least before the accident. Jaedric wears his dark black hair long and wild, usually with just a hint of matching eyeliner, at least...
  19. Dak Sevkla

    One x One Vamps in the city: A Blood Story

    On my way to a Halloween party. I shall start tomorrow.
  20. Dak Sevkla

    Realistic or Modern Adieu (Vampire RP)

    There is however a distinct lack of humans besides you @Sunkissed It may get a bit bitey.