Search results for query: *

  1. IndeliblePerils

    Rose Delirium (Band RP)

    Name: Zachary Miloh Age: 21 Gender: Male Instrument: Lead guitar(?) Crush/relationship: N/A (Anyone interested?) Personality: Zach is the type of guy who can get along with almost anybody. He always seems to be in a good mood, even though that's not always the case. He feeds off of...
  2. IndeliblePerils

    I'm Not a Psychopath; I'm a High-Functioning Sociopath (Search Thread)

    The assassin x assassinee plot caught my eye. Private message me, please?
  3. IndeliblePerils

    Role play anyone?

    Our roleplaying styles seem to match up quite well, and you plot ideas caught my interest. I'd love to do an arranged marriage roleplay with you!