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  1. SneakyKoala

    Fantasy Monster Cafe

    Name: Declan Age: 15 Race: A faun of sorts Customer/Staff: Would love to have a job! Appearance: Likes: Reading; Food; Fashion; Traveling Dislikes: When people make fun of him [it happens quite a bit]; The thought of being alone Relationships: He has his father, otherwise...
  2. SneakyKoala

    Fantasy Monster Cafe

    Haha thanks!
  3. SneakyKoala

    Fantasy Monster Cafe

    Name: Alistair Thyme [Father Time] Age: Appears 19 [is truly about 119] Race: “Father Time” Customer/Staff: One of the café’s regulars. Appearance: Likes: Technology to a certain point [he’s starting to get the hang of it]; Cats [He owns two - as seen in picture]; Mother Nature...
  4. SneakyKoala


    Well then hello to you too fellow new person!
  5. SneakyKoala


    Daw. Everyone is so nice! Haha. And hello to everyone I already know!!
  6. SneakyKoala


    Hello all! I was brought here by the lovely cheshirekitt! The reason my name is SneakyKoala is because an old coworker gave me the nickname for no reason whatsoever (unless he knows why, but just never told me). And it has sort of stuck with me ever since. Soooooo yeah! And I may not be the...