Kana Kojima
Kana Kojima
August Seventh
Relationship Status
Golden Green
Hair Color
Golden Blonde
Eye Color...
Oh, hewwo. I must have forgotten to check my email to see about notifications. I had no clue there was a mention system on here. I hope my late hello is acceptable, but I feel a little out of place here with all these pages... It feels a little awkward, being where there are many pages with how...
Presently, Hanako had fallen asleep. Curled up tightly, Sasa remained between the ears and knees of the girl, hugged closely alongside Mimi residing within her arms. Lightly she breathed during her rest, worn out from the bus ride alongside all else which had occurred to her upon arrival. Her...
Preoccupied patting her own head, Hanako was with no attention toward Aatu at first moment. She simply continued on with the patting of her head slowly, tears still building within her eyes slowly. Although in a saddened state, as well as with eyes blurry due to tears, after a short count of...
Having been carried from where everybody else was to the room of Skyler, it took Hanako a few seconds to realize the change in location. A few seconds of sitting on the bed, and she realized the location to be different. In her arms rested Mimi, though a simple patting of her own head revealed...
I wanna go home, Hanako thought with eyes sparkling from the tears which had begun building up within them. She was undeniably incapable of action, although capable of trying her best. "L-let me down please..." Hanako began to mumble silently, although due to her heavily-beating heart and...
Eyes spinning a little from her bit of a collision, it took Hanako seconds to recover. As she came to, in the kitchen and the arms of another was where the girl was at, still as untouched water. The rabbit girl was all too afraid to move, although 'shy and uncertain' would be slightly more...
After a period of time admiring the world around, Hanako approached the door of the manor with caution. Opening the door ever so slightly, the girl brought her head in slowly so as to look around. With not a soul in immediate sight, along with Sasa and Mimi, she entered before closing the door...
Curled up in the back of the bus, Hanako was very uncertain about this summer-long trip away from home and at a shrine. She had spent as much time as she could attempting come to a conclusion regarding whether or not she truly wished to go, though it had never come to an end as her time to...
Thank you Risk, viska, and SamieltheMDS. I look forward to becoming a part of this website, and thank you for the offer viska. I would love to roleplay with you, if you don't mind ;p
Hewwo... I'm Kanra Shizaya, and I'm new to RPing... Please don't hate me for being a noob, as I expect to make a lot of noobish mistakes .-. I do have experience in literature, meaning I should make very few mistakes though I expect still make some... Thank you for taking the time to read my...