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  1. The New Kid

    Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

    Wrath, against even his own expectations, managed to just about hear the murmurings of the humans near to him. With an irriated growl, the volcano-born fire dragon turned to face the warriors, dark grey smoke billowing from his nostrils in great puffs. The stench of flesh, fire, and mild toxins...
  2. The New Kid

    Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

    Wrath grunted, sniffing the air for any of the people he'd detected. He looked around, tail swinging with every movement, and attempted to seek out the person he had smelt in the near vicinity. He had a rough idea of the location, but that was all it was. A rough guess. Deciding to take his...
  3. The New Kid

    Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

    Wrath feasted on the corpse of a recently slaughterd cow, an inhabitant of the region that was unfortunate enough to stumble across a hungry dragon. The volcano-born reptillian furrowed his brow at the mild bitterness the poison had created in the meat, but knew it would hardly be deadly...
  4. The New Kid

    Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

    ((One question... How do the dargons communicate with humans? Is it just typical animal fashion?)) Dragon Form Username: The New Kid Name: Wrath Age: 200 Gender: Male Picture: Personality: Wrath tends to be a distrusting individual, particularly of...
  5. The New Kid

    Across The Blood Red River *Human and Dragon War RP*

    ((Room for an amateur in this? It's alright if not, but I figured this'd be a nice way to get into the swing of things.))
  6. The New Kid

    Black Jewels Trilogy RP Idea

    I like the idea of playing a corrupt character, and I understand the basic plot concept well enough, but I've never read the series. I'd join if I had, but as it stands, I have no knowledge of it. In other words, I'm simply not eligible to enter.
  7. The New Kid

    Pitching Some Ideas

    Only one person wanted a Custom Robo RP? That's cool, I've learned to deal with failure... Anyway, here's some other ideas I have some vague hope for. Idea One: The Gauntlet So, you've got some sort of skill with a melee weapon, beit a sword or a pair of spiked boxing gloves. That means...
  8. The New Kid

    Custom Robo RP

    *Casual bump* In all seriousness, I was actually surprised someone showed inteest. The series isn't as popular as it should be outside of Japan, so it's to be expected. Guess all that work's down the pan then... I had a villain planned out as well, and a typically vague explanation... Maybe...
  9. The New Kid

    Must say thanks for the friend request thungy. So danke :3

    Must say thanks for the friend request thungy. So danke :3
  10. The New Kid

    Custom Robo RP

    Oof, I'm not particularly good at this explaining lark, but here goes. Diving is when a commander takes control of his robo, via their mind. So in essence, they're controlling the robo with mind control. The robo is commanded like the commander was using their own body. The amount of time...
  11. The New Kid

    Custom Robo RP

    Yes, Custom Robo. While I know the series isn't as popular as it should be outside of Japan, I decided to have a crack at seeing if it'd make a good RP anyway. So, the general idea of the Custom Robo series is to pit two robos, each with customisable parts, against each other in an arena...
  12. The New Kid

    Alert! Red Newbie is In the Base!

    Well, I've never actually written a book before. Granted, I've done some chapters for schoolwork, but that's the extent of it. To be quite honest, I'm not actually able to make up a compelling storyline that can last a decent amount of pages... Yet.
  13. The New Kid

    Alert! Red Newbie is In the Base!

    First of all, if you get the reference, congrats. If you didn't, go watch "Meet the Spy." Now that's out of the way, allow me to introduce myself. I am a person still in high school, who showed potential in creative writing. Of course, given that this is a more "professional" site than what...