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  1. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    Gigi was barely able to hold herself together at this point. The spirits, or phantoms in this case, were still teasing and taunting her. Her body shook even as she got up and followed her comrades into the SUV. She resumed her previous position in the back seat during the entirety of the drive...
  2. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    Gigi got out of Andi's grip and sat down on the sidewalk, pulling her knees to her chest. She hugged her knees tightly, as if it were her only safety. She burried her face in her knees and shivered. "They're laughing. Telling me to hurt you. Telling me to hurt myself." They could hear that he...
  3. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    Gigi shivered as the spirits continued to taunt her. Because she was the only one who noticed, they were drawn to her like she were a magnet. Her eyes continued to dart across the room, moving with the spirits that were surrounding them. She was the source of their pleasure. When Tripp made...
  4. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    As they had been driving, Gigi had progressively started to curl into herself. Something was very wrong with where they were going and she could feel it from miles away. The air, for her, continued to get increasingly heavy as if it were suffocating her. Her breathing became much more shallow...
  5. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    Gigi at first looked over at Tripp when he spoke to her the first time. "He really doesn't get it, does he?" One of the spirits whispered to her. A small smile appeared on Gigi's face at that. The smile quickly faded, however, when he got up and left the room. There were so many reasons why she...
  6. Sisterrc

    On The Wings Of song

    I am very interested in starting this up with you. However i will be unable to post my character until later tonight. Plus that gibes me time to create him. I am familiar with classical music, in fact i sang mozart, johann sebastian bach, and beethoven during my highschool years. Allow me the...
  7. Sisterrc

    Paranormality (Sisterrc and Autumn)

    Sitting Indian style on the bed, the red-headed sister Andi was speaking to looked up from her usual staring at whatever spirits were in the room. She felt everything everywhere but she rarely ever mentioned it unless Andi asked. A pair of loose shorts were pulled up over her cute little butt...
  8. Sisterrc

    Vampire's and Demon's Romance

    I can very easily do this for you. Please start a conversation (private message) and we can start the roleplay. I look forward to it.
  9. Sisterrc

    Looking for more rp partners

    Personal messaging on here is labeled as 'start a conversation'. That is what i had meant.i prefer to move things to a more private setting. I am sorry i was not more clear.
  10. Sisterrc

    Looking for more rp partners

    Start a conversation with me qwatters and we will figure out what to do from there
  11. Sisterrc

    Looking for more rp partners

    Hello all. I posted once before a little over a week ago and found a few people that seem to have disappeared. I would really like a good, constant roleplay. Please start a conversation if you are interested. Thank you.
  12. Sisterrc

    I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

    A snake crept up behind Cady and shot for her right leg, ready to inject potent venom into her system. Derrick watched her carefully. "Really." He seemed utterly amused, his desire to take her blood and use it as sustenance driving his insanity. He wanted to kill her, he wanted her life-fluid.
  13. Sisterrc

    I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

    A sadistic grin crossed his thin lips and his eyes held a psychotic look. He was indeed a demon and she was seeing it completely now. "You stand no chance against me."
  14. Sisterrc

    I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

    Derrick smirked up in the tree that hid his true self. The snake coiled around itself beside her, still watching her carefully. "Kin, eh? Hmmm I would have to agree on that note." The snake's eyes turned to the children. "It's nauseating. I want to hear them scream in terror." His attention then...
  15. Sisterrc

    I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

    Derrick tilted his head when he caught sight of Lucia. Another demon. How interesting. he thought to himself. He lifted an arm and allowed one of his snake subordinates to slither down the tree. The reptile carefully made its way to Lucia and hissed at her. "Are you akin to me? Do you despise...
  16. Sisterrc

    Very new to this site and looking for good rp partners

    alright marionette
  17. Sisterrc

    I'm On My Knee's { Rp }

    The scenery was calm, almost joyous. It put a bad taste in his mouth. Derrick watched the children play and hissed softly to himself. He wanted to hear them cry in agony, to scream in pain and beg for their lives. However, he felt the presence of a few 'good' souls around him and knew that he...
  18. Sisterrc

    Very new to this site and looking for good rp partners

    PM me christian
  19. Sisterrc


    (I have to go as well. See you all tomorrow!)
  20. Sisterrc


    Lucius just stripped down and gt into the shower and let the water soothe him. He finished up and wraped a towel around his waist. He walked out of the bathroom and grabbed a change of clothes.