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  1. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    "That's m-name." She chuckled once more. It left her lips in that soft, feminine tone of hers but sounded more of a stoner-type laugh. She reached to shake his hand and flashed him her famous casual smile. "Dude..." She'd begin her joke, brown eyes falling to slowly examine the unsteady and...
  2. Inspires.

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    Delilah was the slightest upset. Ever since she gained her two powers, she had no idea to master them. Sometimes her body listened and allowed her to teleport up the block or move something out of her way. But it irritated her not being able to control herself. She was the one in charge, not her...
  3. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    "Oh, cool. Well, I'm off. I have got the grumbles." She placed a hand on her stomach lightly and furrowed her eyebrows for the slightest moment, before pulling off the wall and heading towards a different room. "I'll be back. Just going to fetch somethin' to grub on." Just as Delilah turned, her...
  4. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    "Pretty well... I'm late, aren't I?" She'd reply, chuckling quietly under her breath, before shrugging it off to examine the two, and how quickly Daniel was happy to answer her. She just simply slipped her small, dainty hands underneath the pockets of her camo jeans. "Eh. It's fine. It's not so...
  5. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    Delilah casually strolled down the block of her school. Her low strap back stopped at her backside, and her hair tied up in the messiest bun. Strands hung from the sides of her head and drooped down to her shoulders. Her thin, trimmed resting right above huge almond shaped, brown hues. Her walk...
  6. Inspires.

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    (Okay.~ Trying to think of a way.)
  7. Inspires.

    DN Anites (Always Open)

    (sorry to be rude ) Bio: Name: Sophia Anderson Nickname: Sophie, or Andy. Age: 19. Gender: Female Heterosexual,Homosexual,or Bisexual: Agh... Um, Bisexual. Looks: Personality: Can get rude at times, but most of the time passive-aggressive. Always eager to help. Quiet when upset...
  8. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    I made a character. :3 May I join?
  9. Inspires.

    Music Personified

    Name: Delilah Anderson. Age: 17 Gender: Female Music Genre: R&B Appearance: Personality: Delilah is a very passive-aggressive person. She laughs at the corniest joke and is never seen angry or sad. When upset she is quiet and also forgives easily.
  10. Inspires.

    In the Thunder and Rain.

    Name: Age: Gender: Personality: Appearance: Pet(s): Siblings: Relationships: ((Real people only. no anime or scene.))
  11. Inspires.

    In the Thunder and Rain.

    (RULES): - group rp, join if you want. - no stealing the attention - don't be too dramatic. ---------------------------------------- "Ah." Delilah yawned, sitting up on her bed and stretching out those long, brown arms of hers. Afterwards, she relaxed and slight turned her head to face...
  12. Inspires.

    Love is not just a verb.

    Love is not just a verb.