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  1. Ouroboros

    The plight of the flameborn race,first war upon the ice.

    Name: Vincent Aurelius Status in Society: Blacksmith (Possibly If approved) Age: 18,000 (18) Weapon. War Hammer made from Onyx and toughened from the magical forge of his father. Magically enchanted so only he can wield the hammer without physical strain on the body. Parents: Hephaestus...
  2. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    Thank you all.
  3. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    I will :3
  4. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    I see. This could be very interesting.I understand. Thank you.
  5. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    :3 so is everyone this friendly?I'm not sure about joining an rp yet, but making one could be a possibility.
  6. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    Thank you. Nice to meet you :)
  7. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    I will. Thank you. Also you have a nice day :)
  8. Ouroboros

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen

    hello, I am Ouroboros. I love to role play and will be glad to see every one in this wonderful community. It will be a pleasure meeting you all.
  9. Ouroboros

    Thank you.

    Thank you.