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  1. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    You're exactly right I did slap everything together due in part to how I began writing it here on the forum. The story overall itself belongs to myself and another gentleman who had been working with me on specific aspects that you mentioned. Some of the information is intentionally left out as...
  2. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Im so glad to hear you're interested as well, It will be a more along the lines of a detailed style and yes the magic is much more like the traditional thoughts on magic but its open to creative interpretation with the lore about magic being a little unknown.
  3. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Honestly I was a little worried that it sounded like me spitting out information so I'm glad you were able to get that all absolutely correct out of everything I wrote. It didn't help that the only person I had go over this with me in Rp scenario form was someone else who already understood each...
  4. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Come one come all to the RP experience of a life time. Cure your ills, laugh, cry and be moved by the rare and wondrous experience just awaiting you inside ladies and gentlemen. Step right up, right this way.
  5. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Not as much as I love your Avatar :P Hopefully we can get some other people to share your opinion!
  6. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Hoping people like what I've written (' :| ) It's the adaptation of a piece of writing I've been working on for a few years now so heres hoping everyone doesn't think its silly.
  7. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    Hey there :3
  8. The Fuul

    Fantasy The Golden Age

    { I am quite certain I probably posted this incorrectly, if there is something that needs to be changed I apologize and will fix it asap } Setting: Is the world governed by some kind of transcendental law or entity? This question has been asked time and time again, each person asked to...
  9. The Fuul


    Nice to meet you Alisse, I don't know that we'll ever have an opportunity to write with one another. However as said already I hope you enjoy joining the community here.
  10. The Fuul

    Does anyone even read these?

    I find I need to find the proper inspiration for any given Fandom RP I join, I've participated in things ranging from Supernatural ( of which I had no prior knowledge at the time ) to Doctor Who, Attack on Titan, Berserk and The Lord of the Rings to name a few.
  11. The Fuul

    Does anyone even read these?

    While I thought perhaps one person might reply I certainly didn't expect it quite so fast. To answer your question Riley I prefer mainly Fantasy but I don't think there aren't many settings I haven't had the chance to play. It's a pleasure to meet you Yato and the rest of you as well. As I said...
  12. The Fuul

    Does anyone even read these?

    Hey there, not a whole lot to say other than the title Lurker is accurate. I've enjoyed role play for as long as I can remember but I've not been invested in one for more than three years. I probably won't post very much and you probably won't ask me to but here I am. Suppose this is the best...