Sure! And, I don't know about having two characters, It might seem unfair. If nobody else joins up, then I'll let you have a second character- but, for now would it be okay for you to just have one?
You said you wanted it to " focus on the struggle of being in a band "? Maybe make it really dark and gritty? Have some pretty taboo subjects. Sex, drugs, all that kinda' stuff. Maybe have it start out all cheerful and great... and then immediately do a 180 when the band hits the big time. Shit...
I'd love to play one of the four girls, but, I have a question. I know the basis of "Pretty Little Liars", but I was wondering how horrific does 'A' get? Like, does A kill people close to them... or does he just mentally torture 'em?
Because I was thinking it'd be really cool if A started out...
No problem!
The overview is now done! If you guys wanna give it a little read!
@Phil Andering @Brian Garner @Meowfyre @Keira Winston
Guys, there are three spots left ( all male ). If you want to get them you should try and make your CS as soon as possible, just in case someone else...
I love him! Accepted!
Accepted! But, could you please read and like the post in the "Rules" tab? Also, could you please tell us why Melanie wants to compete? Other than that, she's great! ^-^