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  1. Terrace_Lefont

    Is return to magic still going?

    Is return to magic still going?
  2. Terrace_Lefont


    (thats ok and i know how you feel... I feel like im running on empty lately lol.)Rye had picked out an outfit, simple and clean. A Dark blue Hoodie zipped Hoodie, much like the one she wore, a black tank top and Skin tight jeans with boots, She didn't want baggy clothing since thats what the...
  3. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye was the last to go into the Mall, hiding behind Luke to shield her away from the Evil hearts. She shuddered as Terrace fell into step with her. "You ok?" It was a simple question towards the younger girl, who just nodded and kept walking, she left Luke's shadow and walked into a small...
  4. Terrace_Lefont


    if you want to join in at any time you can, also if you want you can be an assassin for Rickshaw
  5. Terrace_Lefont


    (awesome, now we wait for alanna to post)
  6. Terrace_Lefont


    Terrace didnt bother to hear what the others were saying, Niether did Victor as they walked into the Mall with out the others. Rye did listen though since she knew rickshaw the best out of anyone here, well maybe Victor knew if a little better since he could read mines and cam and Luke would...
  7. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye shrugged and felt a tingle in her cheek, she could feel the skin stitching itself together very slowly. "It will heal itself, soon." She touched her cheek one more time before glancing at Terrace. Who pulled into a parking lot of a semi large mall. "Alright everyone out." Terrace called...
  8. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye bent her head away from prodding hands and shrugged. "Its not even her really hurt. Henri is in pain,she dont know what happening directly but i know its nothing good." Terrace talked while rye raised her hand and gingerly touches her cut and could feel the sticky blood. Terrace looked...
  9. Terrace_Lefont


    (Kinda hard to recap but here goes. bassically our characters are on the run from an evil Doctor named Rickshaw jones, who created newbods. Who are human souls ripped from their bodies. They are on the hunt for Powerful Newbods who can help them win the war against oldbods who are under the...
  10. Terrace_Lefont


    alright, feel free to post whenever you want
  11. Terrace_Lefont


    Your acceptedWhat are you, old bod? Newbod? or other?
  12. Terrace_Lefont

    Return to Magic (IC)

    The boat landed and Rory followed the other kids from hers up through. She stayed to the back away from everyone and didn't respond when a few students tried to talk to her. She was in all context a rude american and she wasn't about to give that up, silence now was all she had to herself in...
  13. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye was excited about the shopping trip as she jogged down the steps, inches behind Victor who was running full speed towards the honking van. Terrace was very impatiet and it made them laugh. Luke was behind Rye holding his hand to her back so she didn't trip. He had an urge to protect her and...
  14. Terrace_Lefont


    Terrace was not very happy about what was going on. Victor was less then happy when the girls being girls decided to take their good old time. "Women." He rolled his eyes which earned a nod from Luke and a smack from Rye. "for the most part it is true, don't you think so rye?" Victor asked her...
  15. Terrace_Lefont

    Return to Magic (IC)

    One look at Rory hatchet as she stepped off the train and you could tell she was trouble. At the delicate age of just barely 11, life had left her bitter, angry and disappointed. She was an american girl trapped in England with people she could not understand. Her hair was black cut short so the...
  16. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye spoke quickly to Nickkie about their plans of going shopping, they wouldn't leave for an hour or so after all they were all bound to be hungry. Rye returned to the little group and made a comment about having one of the rooms as a dinning hall or group meeting so could. Terrace looked at...
  17. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye sat on the tub letting the cold icey water wash away her troubles. before the hot water steamed to the room now the cold mist sent the fog swirling around inside the closed space. "We have all been in trouble before.. we have all gotten out of it before" She reassured herself as she...
  18. Terrace_Lefont


    Rye shrugged at least it would be two less bodies cramped in a Van She crouched and looked out the window as terrace pulled the Volkswagen into a parking lot of a crummy off ramp hotel. when they parked Luke and victor got out and went to the main office. "Time to become obi wan." Victor joked...
  19. Terrace_Lefont


    "Im still up for the Rv idea." Rye muttered looking at Luke.."Ok ok!" The young boy shouts..."find us someone who own an Rv and I will get them to give it to us. " He snaps at her. Terrace glanced at cam as she took the map and looked at it.. The Volkswagen drving itself. "Ok so we have at least...
  20. Terrace_Lefont


    "yes because that wont get us caught." Terrace joked and turned the wheel causing the others to shift. "Get the map out that obi wan stole from the owners of the van." She pointed to under Cam's seat. "There should be a hotel around here somewhere." Terrace mummbled and let go of the wheel to...