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  1. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Happy Birthday! A quality post with time taken is better than a rushed post.
  2. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Harumph! To Baznif it seemed as if every young fool with a wand and a handful of spells tacked on some grand title or put on airs of mastery. Back in his day they called you 'boy' until you were thirty, and you didn't call yourself a master till you had a proper beard. Baznif's eyes narrowed. He...
  3. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Bah," Baznif's dismissive voice broke the silence. "Dragons, drakes, wyverns and wyrms. All of them over sized lizards! Give em one good thump on the snout," He illustrated the gesture with his staff, "Show em who's boss, and they fall right in line." His tone carried with it the conviction of...
  4. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Out of the corner of his eye, Baznif caught sight of the female elf, the second one, acting strangely. Anticipating yet another outbreak of violence, Baznif's brows furrowed as she collapsed against the wall. Her strange behavior ended moments later after she slipped a bottle from her pocket and...
  5. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Awakened once again by an ear splitting whistle, Baznif was quickly jerked back from the edge of sleep. He looked up with an annoyed expression of his face, and did a double take as he noticed that the number of people in the small room had once again increased, surely straining the room to...
  6. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Roused by the rising level of voices, Baznif awoke with a start, nearly toppling out of the chair. A quick grab of the edge of the table kept him upright even as the chair went back on two legs. At least until he tried to grab both hat and staff at the same time. Baznif went to the ground...
  7. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Baznif stopped with a spoon half way to his mouth. He had to give it to the hobbit, the stew was simply amazing. It had a full, yet light flavor. The meat provided a strong, savory base while the vegetables and spices added highlights. The tastes built on each other, truly greater than the...
  8. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Very much obliged." Baznif cackled with a mouth full of soup, it running out of his mouth to stain his newly cleaned beard. "But back in my day, a growing boy like yourself would put back ten bowls by himself if he wanted to grow up big and strong." Baznif said with a wistful expression...
  9. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Baznif treated the Elf, Hobbit, and Knight with a smile that revealed all teeth present and accounted for, if substantially yellowed. "At least sissy-elf, half pint, and tin pot have some courtesies." Was his parting shot over his shoulder to the woman Jacks. He then ambled his way over to the...
  10. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Baznif treated the woman, Jacks, with a condescending smile. "This is a hobbit hole, not a human hole, ergo Hobbit." He said, settling the matter once and for all. He was well aware of the rebelliousness of teenagers, but to declare oneself a member of another species? Hogwash. He stepped past...
  11. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Baznif turned to see if the woman addressing him was speaking to someone else, completing a full turn to end facing the woman once again. "Back in my day young uns had a bit more respect about them for their elders." He complained bitterly, thumping his staff into the ground to emphasize his...
  12. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Baznif scrambled through the bracken on all fours, unmindful of how it snagged against his clothing or the branches poked into the skin of his exposed hands and face. His face was a mask of worry as he frantically searched for his missing hat. A wizard's hat was more than a simple covering of...
  13. RougeTrader

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    May I join? Name: Baznif Nickname: Baznif the Befuddled Age: Looks and claims to be in his eighties, actual age in the fifties. Gender: Male Race: Human Height / Weight: 160cm / 60kg Occupation: Wizard! Personality: Baznif the befuddled, as his name would indicate...
  14. RougeTrader

    [Accepting] Prohibitioned Crime. ~(1920's Organized Crime)~

    Mind if I throw my hat into the ring? Age: 42 Name: Peter Dolan Level: Sergeant Description: Brown haired (receding) and green eyed, Peter stands about as tall as the average man of his time, if not slightly shorter and wider. What was once muscle is now slowly turning...
  15. RougeTrader


    Pleasure to make your acquaintance, how does 'pardner' sit with you?
  16. RougeTrader


    Howdy y'all. I figure I best get down to introducing myself to all you fine folk. Y'all can call me Jim, on accounts of that being my name and all. Unfortunately for me, and perhaps fortunately for y'all, a recent career development has made it that I no longer have the time to sit down at the...