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  1. M

    The Wanderers {Open}

    (Is this dead or should we try to revive it? I haven't been on this website in a long time...)
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    Fantasy, Theif and the rich girl

    I'm sorry! I haven't been at all able to get onto this website in a while... I'm still interested, if you are. Was the site experiencing some issues or something?
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    The apartment experiment

    "Like they'll care," she mumbled, rolling her eyes slightly. She raised her brows slightly at Florence-goodness, there was a rather large difference between a boy and one's mother.
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    The apartment experiment

    Lorelle looked at him, still wary. The bus moving hadn't exactly made much else better. "I don't know," she said. "There are some pixies who decide to torment nymphs sometiems and make branches or trees fall over."
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    The apartment experiment

    Lorelle looked back at her with alarm. Wheels falling off? Trees falling over? She clasped her fingers tighter together, biting at her lip.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    (A status?) Maggie jumped slightly, a bit surprised. She shook her a head a bit, looking up at Paul. She smiled a bit. "Morning," she replied cheerfully. "Sleep well?" She brushed off her pants as she stood up, sliding her gloves off of her hands.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam nodded at Paul. "She's been up and working since 5 this morning," he informed him. "You can have breakfast if you want it, it should still be warm. And Maggie's out front," he said, nodding his head slightly towards the foyer. "She's probably out working in the yard."
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    The apartment experiment

    "How can you be certain, though?" she asked, raising her brows. "Don't people crash?"
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam nodded slowly. "I will have to agree with you on that one," he said, glancing at Luke. "Even Maggie likes sports. And I know for a fact that everyone I've met has at least liked baseball, if they're American."
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam nodded. "Well, yeah," he said, as though it should be obvious. "I thought everyone did."
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam blinked. "Huh." he said, and then flushed. "Sorry. Jock moment, there." He really hadn't meant to react so obviously. But he wasn't very good at hiding his thoughts, unfortunately.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam looked at him, his brows shooting up. "No sports. Are you serious?"
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam laughed at that. "Flirting is like a professional sport, though. It's the most entertaining thing ever," he stated. He was gay, and even he knew that.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam raised his brows slightly. "Perhaps you should just take a stab at it," he suggested. "You can hardly encourage my sister to do so with something as big as her future if you won't even try flirting with a girl," he pointed out with a slight smile.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam shook his head a bit. "Just assumed there might be something between you, is all," he replied, putting the now clean dishes away.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam considered a moment. "Then maybe that's why. Maybe you just need a little bit more confidence. And a muse. Bronwin might do," he said, raising his brow slightly in his direction.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam furrowed his brow slightly, scrubbing at some plates. "Trouble how?" he asked. Granted, he didn't have much experience with any real talents besides Maggie. He was a bit talentless besides football, and he wasn't in highschool anymore.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam nodded slowly in response to Chris. "It is kinda suckish. Thanks for offering to help, though. And I agree that she should at least try. What are you in New York for, anyways?" he asked, getting up to clean his dishes.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam gave a half smile. "Whatever you say," he replied, actually genuinely hopeful that it would work out.
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    The Wanderers {Open}

    Cam shrugged. "We can try. But, honestly, it hasn't worked yet."