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  1. C

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    "It's my pleasure! And, if you don't mind my asking, what do you mean by 'host club'?" Hideki asked Sere-chan after he bowed his own head.
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    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    Hideki noticed a girl wanting to talk to him. She seemed nice, so why not just talk to her? Hideki walked over and sat across from her, grinning. "Hi! I'm Hideki, what's your name?"
  3. C

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    Hideki, bored out of his mind, decided to explore the school that he was stuck in until the next break or so. His hands were in his pockets, and Hideki was humming to himself as he turned this way and that. Up some stairs, down others, and through several doors until he entered a room and saw a...
  4. C

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    ((So, since I was accepted does that mean it's finally go-time for me?))
  5. C

    Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

    Yay~! I can't wait until we RP together~
  6. C

    Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

    Name: Hideki Hijirikawa Age: 17, grade 11 and w/e the other year is. Personality: Hyperactive, charming, he talks rather fast and laughs and smiles a lot. Blunt, though, because he isn't one to bend the truth. Sometimes a bit of a troublemaker if it means he'd get a good laugh Appearance...
  7. C

    Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

    Would this RP still be open?
  8. C

    Fruits Basket RP???

    I would be interested!
  9. C

    Greetings, all!

    Hi! I'm ClassyClassic, but you can call me Classic. I've joined a couple forum-based rps before, and I love them! Really, it makes me sad to see them either die out, or kind of...rot. But, anyways, I like all kinds of RPs. I love developing characters & plots, and sometimes I get a little too...