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  1. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "I've got an idea how to beat it" Auriel walked up to Catherine, putting an arm around her shoulder. "But, we'll need some special gear. And more men. Horses. And a fireproof material, for obvious reasons."
  2. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Can Lite run fast crouched over, in an undersized house? Because I feel the need to remind us that we are still in a hobbit-hole, and everyone save Teddy, the gnome, and Anna have made every remark, threat, and whatever else, at least slightly crouched over.
  3. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Well someone's gotta look after the girl, it should be me." Auriel responded.
  4. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "What kind of an idiot thinks a child can hold her own in melee combat, regardless of what she's armed with?" Auriel shouted back at the man while spreading his arms and taking a few steps forward. "Besides which, you make it sound like a good archer can't kill his enemy before he sees him...
  5. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Auriel stared at Thorbyn with his mouth open in shock for a few seconds, amazed at the lack of sense the man was showing. "If you don't want her getting killed, why the bloody hell would you give her a knife for a weapon? She even said she was an archer. Hell, I'll myself teach her how to...
  6. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "I'm not saying you're useless. I'm just saying you should come with me, let me train you." Auriel said to the huffy young girl. "Though I have to say: this took me a lot of trial and error to figure out what I was doing. Are you up for the challenge?"
  7. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Hmm..." Auriel considered the girl's words. "When I was your age, I had to put food on the table and be head of a small household." he remembered those hard years he spent learning how to identify edible foods through trial and error, and hunting larks with sharpened sticks he carved himself...
  8. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "She's clearly an orphan" Auriel answered Tyrann, walking foward with his arms spread. "I can tell because she reminds me of me. Also she told me she was an orphan."
  9. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Auriel winced at the half-orc's iron grip, smelling the stew on his breath. "The name's Auriel" he replied. He briefly wondered whether it was a good idea to let a child wander unsupervised with the sudden appearance of a white haired guy. The Maker only knew what shenanigans he himself got...
  10. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    As the little girl dashed inside the relative safety of the hobbit house.... hill thing, Auriel examined the half-orc. He seemed harmless enough, just hungry, and Auriel was feeling pretty trigger happy with the generosity now that he'd also received free food. It was probably karma. He acquired...
  11. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Opening the door, still chewing his food, Auriel stared down at the little girl, covered in dirt. Judging from that and her emaciated appearance, she was most likely starving. It reminded him of himself when he had to figure out how to get food. It turned out hunting wasn't a skill you learned...
  12. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Well" Auriel said to the wizard across from him, mouth full of stew. "The midget's givin' me like, ten bowls, just because I'm such a great hunter. Doubt I can finish them; you're welcome to a few." He chewed the stew contemplatively. Auriel was pretty sure there were potatoes in there, but...
  13. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Auriel did a short arm pump before putting the pelts away again. He was eating well tonight. Although, he did confirm hobbits to be rather... flustery. He took a seat in a too small chair before looking around the place. For a tavern, this place was rather much like someone's home. Probably...
  14. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    The smell of food cooking, and the immediate sight of a young elf-girl made Auriel quite sure that this was a tavern. He walked inside, giving the Ory his name with another toothy grin. Now, judging from the size of the house, and the short boy with hairy feet, he guessed that Teddy must run...
  15. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Stuffing the skins back inside his bag, the strider placed a hand towards his chest and gave a cheek splitting grin that could easily seduce a sleezy barwench. "My name's Auriel Starthruster. Son of Garrett Starthruster. You may not have heard of me, but I'm a decent swordsman and a damn fine...
  16. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Auriel stared at the knight for a good twenty seconds, judging his behavior. He could only surmise that he'd never set foot outside a wealthy castle, judging from his speech and mannerisms. Nonetheless, he was making an offer. Auriel reached into a sack and removed several bloody deer pelts...
  17. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    "Well crap" Auriel Starthruster exclaimed as he walked past a sunflower patch. "I'm lost." He had been walking for several days; it was now clear to him that he should have taken the left at that Hollowed Tree. He knew little about these lands, but judging from the odd door shape and size, he...
  18. VaporSnake

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    May I join? Name: Auriel Starthruster Nickname: n/a Age: 25 Gender: male Race: Man Height / Weight: 5'11" 172 lbs. Occupation: Strider Personality: Auriel is a hardy man, albeit one whose interests are primarily in his own well being. Though he loves the thought of...
  19. VaporSnake

    Cursed Blade-Samurai RP

    Hmm. Three players thus far, as well as Forgekeeper handling NPCs. I wonder if we'll be able to start after I get accepted.
  20. VaporSnake

    Cursed Blade-Samurai RP

    So.... we still doing this? ForgeKeeper hasn't been on for a few days, but I'm still interested in this game.