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  1. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine yawned, it was true, dawn was fast approaching them. Even a soldier needed sleep, and after the long journey and with so much ahead she felt that even a few hours would be sorely appreciated later. "Master Hobbit" she began, "Is there anywhere I can sleep?" she paused for a moment...
  2. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine shrugged off the Mans arm and moved forwards, away from him. "Why can't we block off the entrance to it's lair and redirect a stream in there or something like that?" she asked aloud, and to no-one in particular. "I mean, isn't fighting it basically suicide?" She sighed and...
  3. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine listened to the explanation, their mission seemed to have quite vague goals. If it were up to her she'd have just left the dragon in the mountain, as she believed a hoarding creature such as it would no doubt guard the item better than an army could, but she wasn't one to question the...
  4. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine yanked hard on the arrows, they came loose with the material and clattered to the floor, she looked at the group again, and after a minute of what seemed to be a considerable debate going on behind her glaring eyes she sheathed the weapon, with rather more force than was necessary and...
  5. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    As someone looking into a career in props and costume, Plate armour is actually very light compared to what most people think it is, a full suit of it weighs under 50lbs usually and the weight is distributed well over the body, as unlike maille it is strapped on to the arms, legs, torso etc...
  6. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Catherine is a career soldier, anyone of higher rank giving her orders will shut her up. So, you know, practically every 'fighter' character in the room.
  7. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Watching this spectacle Catherines face grew steadily redder as the demon-hybrid jumped around the room. She let out something unintelligible before rising to her feet. "You want to dance Hellspawn?" she spat at the half-demon, "I've lost friends, and comrades fighting back creatures like you...
  8. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine looked at the two men discussing how best to outfit the child for battle. She sighed inwardly, it mattered not how she was armed, if she actively sought a fight it wouldn't end well. And then an idea struck her, she quietly left the room and house, having to squeeze her way past...
  9. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine shrugged. "She could be telling the truth." looking the small girl up and down again before continuing. "I've seen children of about her age fight alongside grown men and held their own, you'd be surprised what even a small body can do in a trying situation." Catherine took a long...
  10. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Considering the sudden disarm-ment of the apparent Half-Orc who broke down the door, Catherine felt it was best to maybe put a new barrier between the ever stranger companions and this meeting. And with a quick excusing of herself she rose and moved to where the door had been, finding on the...
  11. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine looked up at the man who had entered. His talk of recruits and the like had her riled up slightly, she wondered why... oh yes, that's right, he reminded her of the drill instructor she'd been assigned under when she'd joined up all those years ago, it was no wonder she was already...
  12. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    She winced slightly at the mans insults. Although, he did have a point, she had definitely been a tad rude to him. Wait, Hobbit? "Oh, I'm not a Hobbit, the man who lives here is in the kitchen with everyone else." Catherine stepped aside to allow the man entry. He seemed a little odd...
  13. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Standing on the edge of the group and furthest away from the hobbit and his cooking, Catherine heard an impatient knocking at the door, followed by shuffling and mumbling. Thinking this must be more of the (un-)expected party, she turned away from the group and made her way to the round door...
  14. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Catherine watched the two go inside ahead of her, stopping in the doorway to take in the sight of the Elf and dwarf within, yes, this made more sense, if what she'd been told (and it wasn't a lot) was correct then this would be quite the mish-mashed little group assembling in this miniature...
  15. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    Her attention drawn by the Knights companion which was now hovering nearby she almost missed his introduction. "I am a soldier, not a noble. I don't even have a high-rank, so you can cease with the overblown pleasantries." She was still considering his words when another figure approached...
  16. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead

    She shivered involuntarily against the cold of the evening as the horse trotted its way up the well worn path, glancing around at her surroundings this was definitely the land of the Hobbits or 'Halflings' as her superior had called them. Small houses, suited for those of a much lesser height...
  17. Neko-mancer

    Home Behind & World Ahead ( Character Sheets / OOC / Information )

    Can I join? Name: Catherine Jackson Nickname: Jacks Age: 28 Gender: Female Race: Human Height / Weight: 5'4" - 130 lbs Occupation: Formation Soldier/Guard Personality: Having spent so long in the company of warriors has rubbed off on her. Formal and well-behaved whilst...
  18. Neko-mancer

    the quest for the gems

    Could I join?
  19. Neko-mancer

    What are your favorite types of roleplays?

    I enjoy Roleplays with a nice story or plot, but which still give everyone the choice to do what they want. It can be any type of roleplay but if it has a really good story to it then the whole thing is much more fun.
  20. Neko-mancer

    Character creation sites

    Hmm, In the past I've tended to look through my computer, I have huge picture folders if I have something in mind that I remember, otherwise I more often than not tend to use a description, because I find it takes em less time to write it out than it would be to edit one of them.