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  1. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    He laughed, such an unexpected sound that Lucas thought he'd become completely and utterly insane. "Well, I don't know. How else would you explain the parrot screech earlier?" He eyed the girl for a drawn-out moment and readied for a charge or the flash of a blade, he certainly wasn't stupid...
  2. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    'What in the world?' Lucas jerked his body around just in time to catch sight of some crazed lunatic leaping over the fence. He hesitated, swallowed before proceeding to join the maniac by the plaque. The place lapsed into silence. Lucas knew he should be terrified but instead, he was more...
  3. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @Ammy accepted
  4. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    Immediately shifting his attention over to the approaching girl, Lucas blew out a long breath. Whatever energy he had before was drained from this sick joke. He looked up at black sky, then turned back to the girl who promptly stood before him a few lengths away in darkness. "Newcomer?" It was a...
  5. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @LunaCrosby accepted
  6. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    Lucas tightened his grip on the invitation, fighting back the urge to run as far away as possible. "Man, I so did not walk my bum out here for some haunted house setup", he muttered bitterly under his breath. He glanced around after a long minute of silence and distinguished silhouettes of...
  7. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    yea go ahead and start posting to your heart's content
  8. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @SweetCat2319 accepted
  9. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @jakobtatee accepted
  10. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    course not feel free to join anytime
  11. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @EmilyPower accepted
  12. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    Under the luminescence of the moon Lucas was struggling to read the contents of the invitation gripped loosely in one hand. The torn edges of the letter fluttered violently against the cooling gust of wind, causing more tearing to the heavily wrinkled piece of paper. He knew very well it could...
  13. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    name- Lucas age- "17...? I've forgotten my birthday or did I ever even know?" gender- male sexual orientation- "I love me." appearance- <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/lucas.png.d9cf728ae64c545f3854cec12f62e7ea.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img...
  14. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    Dantalion Academy: A seemingly standard academy on the surface-- or at least that's what the public knows anyway; with the mad crazy government regulations alongside the forbidden contact between the outside world, you'd never be aware the academy was in truth a serial experiment or that a...
  15. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    @miracle kami, please edit this post to include any OOC information
  16. miracle kami

    Academy of Knowledge

    Profile Skeleton: name- age- gender- sexual orientation- appearance(photo //anime is preferred but realistic is allowed)- bio(optional)- personality- time zone and availability(optional)- other(optional)-
  17. miracle kami

    Realistic or Modern Academy of Knowledge

    "You've been cordially invited to attend Dantalion Academy, an academy deemed after the great and mighty duke of hell himself. It is one of the country's leading academies that excels in each and every subject, for our office is to teach all Arts and Sciences unto any. After much consideration...