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  • Users: Lyrit
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  1. L

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    Caid, hearing the introductions, walked over to the table of hosts and girls. Sitting down and laying his head on his arms, he eyed the strangers warily. He had seen them before - or something. "Hello." He greeted them. Whatever. Caid elbowed Mori. "Wake me up when lunch is over?" Without...
  2. L

    Welcome to the Host Club! Ouran RP!

    Caid rushed into his classroom, giving the teacher a quiet excuse about some family emergancy when in reality, he was sleeping the morning away while his maids shouted at him. he looked around, sighing before skulking over and sitting in front of a rather talkative group. After pulling out a...
  3. L

    Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

    Ah, sorry. *
  4. L

    Taboo (Signup and Info)

    Name: Parker Greye Age: 17 Sex: Male Taboo: Parker's a closet homosexual. He's also absolutely reliant on rules, someone or something to guide him and push him into making decisions. History: Parker was always that kid in elementary school who sat nearest to the teacher's desk, someone...
  5. L

    Welcome to the Host Club!(OURAN RP) ~characters~

    Hello, i'd like to join. Name: Caid Siovhan Gender: Male Grade and age: 16, first year. Social Status: Rich. Personality: A generally prickly person at first glance - but he actually warms up to people easily when they give him reason to. He has absolutely no sense of humor...