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  1. Capella

    If it interests you: a composer, Eric Whitacre, wrote a song to this poem. He couldn't get...

    If it interests you: a composer, Eric Whitacre, wrote a song to this poem. He couldn't get permission to use the lyrics, so he had them changed but... the Internet being the Internet, I was able to find a video of the Frost version:
  2. Capella

    Hello. It's me.

    Hello. It's me.
  3. Capella

    Your First Ever RP Character?

    Oh man, my first character... Her name was Luna, she was meek, and I made her for a .hack:// inspired topic between two friends and myself. I saved all of her character information to an orange floppy disk and worked on her in the library at school. Good times. (/wipes tear)
  4. Capella

    Getting attached to your RP characters

    I can't say that I've ever been attached to a character like that. I'm fond of certain "motifs" that I reuse, but not the manifestations of those motifs. I think I'd like to role play a single character long enough to form that attachment. n.n) I just haven't had the pleasure in a long while.
  5. Capella

    Inspirations: How do you create your characters?

    My process is the same every time. It looks/sounds like a lot, but most of it happens in my head and stays in my head, lol. Also, how much work I put into my characters depends on the role play's genre, it's writing level, and the people in it. I cut corners for simpler or lighter topics...
  6. Capella

    rpn: how courteous of you to refresh my page for me during m/a. thanks. xo

    rpn: how courteous of you to refresh my page for me during m/a. thanks. xo
  7. Capella

    Browsing the forums wearing Grinch pajamas and a Cheshire grin.

    Browsing the forums wearing Grinch pajamas and a Cheshire grin.
  8. Capella

    vive la france. ;'( /o

    vive la france. ;'( /o
  9. Capella

    Post Length - An Indicator of Skill, or Preference?

    I chose other. Here is my explanation. I think the hardest skill to learn as a writer is how to write effectively/economically, which can translate to "how to deliver high quality writing in a small amount of space" or "how not to waste words". This is how I judge how "experienced" a writer...
  10. Capella

    looking. casually.

    looking. casually.
  11. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    @clarinetti Not a problem. Unfortunately, I'll be at work a majority of the afternoon/evening (U.S.) both today and tomorrow. I'll try to draft up a message before I leave to at least get things started.
  12. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE Sign-Up

    BASIC INFORMATION Name: Adam Frost Nickname/Alias: N/A Rank: Rook (A) Role: Student Year: Four Age: Nineteen Gender: Male Height: 5ft 11in Weight: 160 lbs Hair Color: Blonde Eye Color: Blue Defining Features: An old scar across his nose. Likes: the nicer...
  13. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    @Owlet Nothing's in the works yet. I haven't had a chance to speak with @clarinetti about it. However since you already seem to have plots going for at least one of your characters, I hope you don't mind if I decline for now in preference for helping someone else be more involved. (:
  14. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    @clarinetti - still looking. my character won't get posted until tomorrow sometime, likely. my eyeballs are just about ready to roll out of their sockets.
  15. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    Hey guys. I've sort of changed up my ideas and want to make a male character. With him, I'd also like to play around with a serious relationship between a senior A or S rank (my character) and a younger student. You know, explore a couples' worries for life after graduation, especially if he's...
  16. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    glad to see there's more interest. nenet's profile will go up sometime tomorrow likely (maybe, depends on how work goes). for now, i'm going to lay down and binge tv till i fall asleep. will be back later. & welcome everyone. (:
  17. Capella

    Futuristic −D⇡L⇣GENCE OOC

    home from work. n.n
  18. Capella

    Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

    @Yuuki of the Strata Aw, she's a pretty average, level-headed, 'pink' young woman unless yeah... she hasn't eaten in a while. She won't thieve unless she's desperate & if the academy knows what's good for it, the lunch ladies will provide her with extra rations of trail mix. (: With that, I'm...
  19. Capella

    Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

    Never again will I use the expression 'koala hug'.
  20. Capella

    Futuristic − DILIGENCE | academy rp

    @Yuuki of the Strata Character Name: Nenet Student or Staff/Teacher: Student Rank: B Personality: Calm, mature, well-mannered, and a tad superficial. Personality and mood degrades into grumpiness, then desperation when starving. Ideas about character background: From a poor family in...