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  1. Morbid Desires

    1920's Mafia

    Generally though groups have a unifying quality like one of them is sneaker and more cut throat than the rest, or one relies on brute strength and reputation to rule them all... Something like that.
  2. Morbid Desires

    1920's Mafia

    What are the specifications for the families? Like their general attitude towards people and members? Unifying qualities? Or do we just... Pick a name that we like?
  3. Morbid Desires

    Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Name: Angelina Oviera Gender: Female Age: 23 Nationality: Italian Personality: She's generally a quiet person and she doesn't really enjoy causing trouble. She can come off a bit socially awkward at times but that's just because she doesn't like making a bad impression. She always has an...
  4. Morbid Desires

    Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    I hear you, I'm only a freshman, it's my second semester but I have tons of reading assignments usually. Since I don't know how much I can really read through everything, could I have a summary? While I work on this character, of course. :)
  5. Morbid Desires

    Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Lol, ok, I'll see what I can do about a character at the moment. I'm a college student too so I have to juggle my roleplaying addiction with actual school work :3
  6. Morbid Desires

    Thorns of the Rose - The Mafia Families

    Can people still join this RP? I'm still new to this site in general so I'm kind of just trying yoget the hang of things here.