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  1. Keloryn


  2. Keloryn

    I'm new (but not)

    :P I'm on the mend, yes! Thank you for asking. As for video games, I enjoy a multitude of things. Borderlands, Witcher, Destiny, and the list goes on. You?
  3. Keloryn

    I'm new (but not)

    Hi! My name is Keloryn. I reign from Scotland. I've been registered on RpNation for quite a while but took an extended hiatus due to health issues and concerns. Anywho, I am a detailed roleplayer, I enjoy sipping tea, eating spaghetti, watching a select few television shows, and playing...
  4. Keloryn

    Thank you. c:

    Thank you. c:
  5. Keloryn

    Hello. It's been a while, RpNation.

    Hello. It's been a while, RpNation.
  6. Keloryn

    :P I see you.

    :P I see you.
  7. Keloryn

    Sorry about the delay. I found out my jaw was broken after my fall, but I'm getting back into...

    Sorry about the delay. I found out my jaw was broken after my fall, but I'm getting back into things!
  8. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Still looking. Also, to any of my current partners: sorry about the delay in responses! I haven't been able to get on to RPnation for the last thirty or so hours due to work followed by the attack on the site. So, I'm working on getting back to everyone (either roleplay posts or otherwise)...
  9. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Will do. c: I'm just finishing something up and I will.
  10. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Hiya. Definitely, I always love me some post apocalyptic.
  11. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Yes, I am. c: Still looking for a few more partners. ^__^ Again, if you don't see what roleplay you're looking for, don't hesitate to ask.
  12. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Heh, yea. I'm super glad they do it to reduce spamming; however, it can be frustrating. Anyways, I'll PM you in a few. bump
  13. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Hey! I was actually just looking at your interest check and was about to post. I'm super thrilled with both of your choices. I will message you as soon as I can. I just passed my ten post requirement and the FAQ says it may take a few minutes for the server to recognise it.
  14. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Sure. (: Shoot me a PM and we can discuss it further?
  15. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Hi! Awesome! I'm really up for anything at the moment, so is there any one in particular that really stood out to you? (:
  16. Keloryn

    Looking for a few partners

    Hi! My name is Keloryn and I'm looking for a few roleplay partners. I'm a pretty easy going person and I'm fairly flexible as far as settings and plots go. However, I suppose I should lay down a few requirements: Posting: I post anywhere from three to ten paragraphs and usually try and mirror...
  17. Keloryn

    You need a partner, I need a partner, so let's be partners!

    Hey! I'd be interested in a roleplay with you, if you still have spots open. As far as roleplays go, I usually write three to seven paragraphs a post (above 300 words, if you were curious) and I've been hankering for a good modern roleplay with elements of character development. I have several...
  18. Keloryn

    Good Afternoon. I'm new.

    Hey! Welcome! I'm new here, as well. (: If you're looking for a partner, just let me know. I'm always up for meeting and roleplaying with new people.
  19. Keloryn

    My Formal Introduction Here

    Definitely! I'll read through it now... or soon... after I finish this mission on Borderlands... *goes off to play seventeen more hours of Borderlands* .____. No, but seriously, I'll take a look! (:
  20. Keloryn

    My Formal Introduction Here

    Hah! You seem really awesome. (: Hopefully I'll get to see you around!