Search results for query: *

  1. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Han put his hand on Blue's shoulder. "Stop straining yourself." He shook his head and stood up. "We do not need a tree at the moment. While I am gone, I wish for you to get a feel for the blade, become familiar with it's weight and how it swings." He nodded before appearing in his own dorm room...
  2. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel nodded. "Able to do is very different from knowing how to do. I was able to use magic since I was born, but I didn't know how to use it until a few years ago." He tilted his head at Cassilia. "Do you know what I mean? It may sound confusing but I believe it makes perfect since." He...
  3. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Han chuckled. "You will not surpass me, believe me. The power of Castiel granted me with nigh perfection in all forms of fighting, though I choose to not use them. You may think that you are better than me, but you will never truly be." He shrugged. "It is the truth." He smiled. "The tree sounds...
  4. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel looked around until he found the source of the voice, a girl. The blade melted and reformed back as the cuff on his wrist. "That would be me. My name is Castiel, magician extraordinaire." He chuckled. He stretched and yawned. "Practicing magic is the only thing that I'm really good at...
  5. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Han nodded. "Yeah. The headaches will come and go. It is a downside to having such great mental powers, especially one that kept you alive after getting shot in the head." He chuckled and pulled out his knife, a blade that was a moon silver color and a hilt that was as black as basalt. "I will...
  6. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Han frowned at how she looked. "What happened?" He asked before shaking his head. "Never mind." He walked past her and into the cabin. "I have something for you." He smiled and pulled out a sheath from his back pocket. He took a dagger from the sheath, the blade black as onyx, the hilt gold and...
  7. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel wiped sweat from his brow. He had been practicing his magic for a few hours and he managed to use up a lot of energy. He put a thumbs up to the sky. "Pretty good, huh mom?" He laughed and put his hand down. The cuff on his wrist melted into a shiny quicksilver-like substance and moved to...
  8. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    Han finished destroying the Genesis city of Havenfell, and he quickly rebuilt it. "Much better." He nodded and waved towards the new Aetherians. He appeared on the porch of Blue's cabin, for he wanted to give her a gift before he returned to Elizabeth. He knocked on the door and stepped back a...
  9. Han Alister

    Realistic or Modern West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Cysero walked towards his destination, his new school, with his eyes pointed at the ground. Once he came close to the building, he looked up. "West View High School." He muttered. A small sigh escaped his lips. School didn't bother him too much. Cysero never felt strongly about it, neither good...
  10. Han Alister

    West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    So I'm accepted?
  11. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel laughed. "It is awesome but it can be a burden." He shrugged and another cupcake appeared. He handed it to Adrian. "I'm going to go practice some magic so I'll see you around." He stood and waved before jogging away.
  12. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel took a bite of his cupcake and chewed it for a few moments before responding. "Indeed. It can be pretty fun." He chuckled and took another bite of the frosted pastry.
  13. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel nodded. "Nice to meet you." He retracted his hand as a purple flame began to circle around his arm. He rubbed the flames, causing the fire to turn a deep green before disappearing. He smiled and sat down on the ground, a cupcake appeared in his hand and he began to eat it.
  14. Han Alister

    West View Highschool for the supernaturals

    Name: Cysero Sumter Race: Daeva/ manipulation of the Aether Gender: Male Appearance: Age: 17 Personality: Cysero rarely ever shows mercy to anyone. He usually doesn't care about other people's feeling and that may make him seem rude and inconsiderate but most of the time, he only says...
  15. Han Alister

    Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

    (When you're trying to explain Game of Thrones to someone and they say that they don't care...)
  16. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel smiled at the male. "I'm new and I figured that I should probably meet some of the other campers." He extended his hand. "My name is Castiel."
  17. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel stood from his spot on the ground and looked around. He spotted two campers conversing in the strawberry field. "Might as well meet some people." He sighed and made his way over to them. "Hiya!" He waved and smiled.
  18. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel smiled and looked around. "I guess this camp is bearable." He chuckled before walking over to a building and leaning against the wall. He slowly slid down and sat down on the ground. A deck of cards appeared in his hand and he began to play poker with a few ghosts that only he could see.
  19. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel laughed one last time before the puppets suddenly combusted, being engulfed in a purple flame. He nodded and stood up. "I need to fix that." He muttered to himself as he looked at his hands. "It could hurt someone." He shook his head, knowing that his fire was much hotter and burned...
  20. Han Alister

    Fandom Camp Half Blood

    Castiel looked up at the girl who just approached. He tilted his head and turned his attention to the ring. "Well, it's obviously from Hades. It could be a way to summon the undead or maybe even a weapon." He shrugged and looked back down at the grass puppets.