Baptiste Bertand - August 10th - Medieval Festival, Somewhere near Cyllage, Kalos
Baptiste chuckled as he watched the owner put pool noodles on the horns of two Skiddo play-fighting. "Menaces." The man said with amusement in his voice before sitting down near the Skiddo farm and read the flyer...
Baptiste Bertand - August 10th - Medieval Festival, Somewhere near Cyllage, Kalos
The Medieval Festival, a time for fun, learning about the past and most importantly, good food. Baptiste was enjoying a tasty sandwich with lettuce, cream cheese, tomatoes and some red onions as he was walking...
Oblivia, a region known for its beautiful weather, rich history and large amounts of islands. It used to have more islands though, and remembering that detail always made Ezio's heart sting. It was a crime that Dolce Island got evaporated by selfish and dangerous individuals, and the incident...
Name: Baptiste Bertrand
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Trainer Class (What goal do you have in mind for your character? Contests/Battler/Breeder/etc.): Paranormal Investigator/Hex Maniac. Goal is to learn more about Ghost Types, where the line lies between Ghost Types and humans, and what makes a...
Name: Ezio Farello
Gender: Male
Age: 34
Trainer Class (What goal do you have in mind for your character? Contests/Battler/Breeder/etc.): Ruin Maniac, hoping to unravel the mysteries of the different ruins across the regions.
Physical Appearance: Standing at 5'9 feet and weighing in at 152...