In more traditional ttrpgs I’m a total altaholic. Always thinking up new characters and ideas to try. However, through some effort I can overcome it and focus on what I got going right now. When I was younger it was more of a problem, and I’d miss out on the beauty of the present by dreaming of...
Maybe not a ” class” per se but I tend to play back-end caster/healer/management types or tricksy guile characters. In the realm if multiplayer rpgs I tend to go with healer. I like looking at the big picture, trying to anticipate where my skills will be needed and such. It’s usually a pretty...
I sort of retrofitted the term ”Moon Logic”, you know in old adventure games where the puzzles wanted you to combine the rake with the hamster which somehow would allow you access to the next area..
That’s how I feel like my mind works sometimes. It takes these convoluted paths to reach the...
Ooh, Exalted! New to the site but would love to give this a try if you have space for more.
Lots of dice-rolls and reactions in Exalted. How does running it on a forum work?
Hello people.
I go by LunarLore, as my username suggests. Brand new to the site, pretty new to this medium of roleplay, but been playing ttrpgs for a long time. Excited to be here and create stories with you all :)