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  1. Knack Jicholson

    Experiences RPs with original art?

    Have you ever been in or seen a RP where all the character references/play-bys or face claims were either commissioned or drawn by the players? It's very niche and I'm not sure how to search for it. Please share any links to threads here if you can!
  2. Knack Jicholson

    Viewpoint Age in RP

    Sorry for potentially trying to necro a dead topic. From my experience with RP, the type of RPs that have attracted the oldest audience has been called a lot of different things: "advanced," "literate," "multi-para[graph]." Essentially RP where posting has the same energy behind it as writing...
  3. Knack Jicholson

    Fantasy ❝A NEW FLAME.❞

    Interested! Our characters would be dragons with human forms, right? Will face claims be required?
  4. Knack Jicholson

    Other Roleplay Pet peeves

    Yeah it looks like everyone on the discussion forum seethes about BBcode, BUT: what are the character sheets with the buttons that don't look like buttons? Like you have to click on a K-poppie's face to see the rest of the app, instead of a clearly marked button. That's a peeve, I guess...
  5. Knack Jicholson

    Experiences What draws you to a group RP - and what makes you stick around?

    I'm very suspicious of group rps that don't have a plan. Like throwing 5-8 different characters into a lightly DM'd scenario, usually "Your character is in a room with all the other characters...!" and crossing your fingers that everything will just play itself out... not the move. I think I...
  6. Knack Jicholson

    Advice/Help How to curate for a group RP?

    I'm thinking about adding a questionnaire to the interest check with questions like "Do you tend to plot heavily with other players, or do you prefer to write your posts independently?" And then I can give invitations to the OOC based on the responses to the questionnaire. I think it has the...
  7. Knack Jicholson

    Advice/Help How to curate for a group RP?

    I'm interested in creating a group RP at some point, but I'm not sure if I want it to be first come, first served. What would other DMs suggest for curating the players that join your game? Have you just plucked out a few players from those who made characters? Are there specific rules that you...
  8. Knack Jicholson

    Introduce Yourself!

    I might not be jumping in right away but still want to post a hello! I'm a group RPer and also interested in getting into tabletop. Weak spot for self-indulgent powers/supernatural RPs and Pokemon.