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  1. Iv0ryX

    Multiple Settings Forbidden Love among the Monsters | MxF roleplay partner search

    Yeah, awesome! Send through a DM, I'd love to talk more :)
  2. Iv0ryX

    Multiple Settings Forbidden Love among the Monsters | MxF roleplay partner search

    Awesome, send me a A PM if you are :)
  3. Iv0ryX

    Multiple Settings Forbidden Love among the Monsters | MxF roleplay partner search

    Hey everyone! It's nice to meet you all, my name is Iv0ryx and I've recently gotten back onto this platform to start roleplaying again. I enjoying writing compelling a nd complex stories with my partner, taking time to flesh out each part of the story either in advance or as we go along. I've...
  4. Iv0ryX

    Fandom Scouting for Partners

    I would love to know if you do Rps entirely away from fandoms?
  5. Iv0ryX

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey there! I'm Ivory, (she/her, awst and 20yearsold). I've been roleplaying for the last 7/8 years and always love writing out long, slow and creative stories. I prefer writing out completely new stories with our own characters and tend to stay away from any fandom content. I'm a huge sucker...