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  1. forever5x5x

    Realistic or Modern 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖱𝖠𝖳 𝖯𝖠𝖢𝖪 — a 1980s slice-of-life, apartment rp

    I'd die if we can get this going and I can find an Andrew Mccarthy for my Ally Sheedy 😭 I write on discord if anyone wants to banner!
  2. forever5x5x

    Realistic or Modern 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖱𝖠𝖳 𝖯𝖠𝖢𝖪 — a 1980s slice-of-life, apartment rp

    I would like to get it going! I've been on an 80s kick, lol.
  3. forever5x5x

    Realistic or Modern 𝖳𝖧𝖤 𝖡𝖱𝖠𝖳 𝖯𝖠𝖢𝖪 — a 1980s slice-of-life, apartment rp

    I'm so down for an 80s BratPack-eqsue type of roleplay! And, I'm so late to this party, lol.
  4. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    Good Morning, everyone! Would anyone be interested in writing Buffy The Vampire Slayer? 25+ only please!
  5. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey and welcome! What are you into writing?
  6. forever5x5x

    Fandom Buffy/Angel RP?

    I'm way late to this, lol. I'm interested in a Buffy/Angelus roleplay.
  7. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    I used to love the toxic nature of that relationship, not gonna lie. Still feel like he should have been vanquished that one time and that be it.
  8. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    Awesome!! I actually really enjoyed Phoebe as well.
  9. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hey, fellow newbie! lol. ROSWELL? Oh, the nostalgia lol And, I see from your icon that you're a Doherty fan! I love Prue and am still upset she was killed off.
  10. forever5x5x

    Realistic or Modern Don't you forget about me... BRATPACK Roleplay.

    Hey there! I am looking for a partner to do a 80s/dark fame roleplay with! I'm thinking St. Elmos Fire/Breakfast Club vibes. Andrew McCarthy anyway? RDJ? Looking for.. 25+, literate, open to writing on discord and a love of GIFs. I lean towards characters that tend to be pretty flawed and...
  11. forever5x5x

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hello! My name is Ryder and I have been roleplaying for over 15 years now. I was going to make a 'guess I'm old af' comment, but decided against it. I'm here because I would love to start writing again. I only write with fellow role-players who are around my age or older, meaning 25+ as I...