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  1. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    The incessant scrabbling easily aroused him from his sleep. A little disoriented his head shot up with a snort. "Huh? Wha?" He took a moment to get his bearings. Attempting to remember what had led up to now. His frustration with the paperwork, leaving his room and almost running over a...
  2. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    He figured she needed a bit of sleep, so he used his powers to stop time. Leaving just them to continue as normal so that she could rest a bit longer. Eventually he wound up falling asleep himself, the rythmic thumping of her tail and her soft fur lulling him to sleep. His chin resting against...
  3. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "Well, if you may be content to stay standing here. But I would prefer to sit if you wish to snuggle," he teased but all the same, scooped her up with ease as returned to his room. She was far lighter, to him anyways, than all her fur made her look. He settled onto the couch with a light sigh...
  4. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    He resisted the urge to scratch behind her ears. But only barely as he stood there with her. "Tuette? You there," he asked softly with a smile. As adorable as this was, them both standing in the hallway were bound to be discovered at some point. He himself wouldn't mind but he wasn't sure about...
  5. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    Her tilting forward sent her right into his arms which he'd wrapped around her to keep her from falling. His embrace, as you'd expect, was very comfortably warm. "Woah there. I don't think you should be moving around if you're still that exhausted," he said softly with a smile as he looked down...
  6. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    Ipos all but burst from his room in frustration, embers trailing in his wake. He was barely able to dodge a very tired looking Tuette. "Oh, goodness. My apologies. I hadn't seen you," he apologized as he made an attempt at smoothing down the feathers on his head. "You seem like you just rolled...
  7. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "I'll make it a point to try and bring  that up in casual conversation," Ipos said with a chuckle. Although he couldn't shake the feeling of desire of Tuette's company. Known only a few hours and he already wished to speak to her again. Perhaps he could ask her to show him around the Pride Ring...
  8. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "I promise that whatever I drink, I will replace," he said accepting the drink and swiveling on the stool to look at Tuette. "A liking would be an apt description. She seems sane, compared to most around here," he said pausing and turning to look at Husk. "No offense." He turned his attention...
  9. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    He greated each of them in turn. However when it came to Alastor he opted not to shake his hand. Eyes blazing as he stared at the Radio demon as if scrutinizing every thread of magic he possessed. He was polite and respectful nonetheless. What was peculiar was that when Nifty asked for a...
  10. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "Angel Dust? The pornstar? Goodness this place does bring in all sorts of people doesn't it," he said with a chuckle and a shake of his head. "I'll be out in but a moment. Wouldn't want to deny you of my company for too long," he said, poking fun at her before he stood again and peered at what...
  11. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "Have you ever heard of the phrase, 'Music has charms to soothe the savage beast' before?" He moved to sit in one of the chairs by a chess table before continuing. "Alcohol is useful to take the edge off. Sure. But music can calm or energize. It can make you feel happy or sad. Music has an...
  12. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    The feathers on his neck ruffled and her self-dismissal. "Please, anyone who can look a goetia in the eye and treat them like normal? That's someone to keep around," he praised. Things would begin to appear on the walls and Ipos would begin to suddenly be slightly to the left or right of his...
  13. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    He made a little chirp at the nickname and cocked his head to the side for a moment before following her. As he stepped into the room he began to mentally imagine where and what he could put into the room to make it a bit more habitable for himself. "Wasn't a very ceremonious way of having you...
  14. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "Tuette was a lovely host, although temporary," he said, glancing at Tuette. He managed to fight back a chuckle but a smile at her predicament did manage to pull at his beak. He then focused back on Charlie and bowed. "As I explained to Tuette, I am a bit skeptical on the idea of redemption...
  15. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    As soon as she finished off her whiskey and set the glass down did time resume. He watched her go before putting on an air more suited for business. He'd allowed himself to get distracted. However that distraction led him to find, what he thought, he was looking for. He returned to the bar and...
  16. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "It can be. But all beautiful things come with their equally horrendous counterparts. Let's hope you never have to witness those," he stated, kneeling down next to her and staring into the frozen flames. "It takes a while for that particular effect to wear away. I'm still prone to awe at what I...
  17. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "My doing, went for a bit of a dramatic effect," he said as he stood, grabbed the tossed glass of whiskey in hand and set it on the bar before he moved to stand beside her. His feathers mirrored the still flames in the hearth. "The reason I'm considered the strongest of the Goetia is the fact...
  18. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "The lust ring? Please. If I wanted a hollow night with a stranger then I'm sure I'd have better pickings anywhere other than that STD infested pit," he said with a genuine chuckle of his own. "No offense to Asmodeus, but his patrons aren't exactly sanitary." "So instead of drowning in whatever...
  19. Lucifer Mourningwood

    Fandom Quid pro quo, in inferno

    "To simplify it. You take bits and pieces of existing things and create something new while adding a bit of your own spin on it," he said, thinking he understood what she was getting at. It was how he could wrap his head around it at least. While he enjoyed learning about the humans' music, it...