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  1. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    this is actually so funny bc on q i still have 3.7k 💀 but that was from 2017/2018 when i was trying to be “relevant” for no godly reason
  2. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    same! so strange that i’ve been in there since i was 10 like whattttt
  3. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    8 years and almost a month for me! and i’m only 18 😭 spent all my formative years on that dumbass site
  4. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

  5. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    we should start a gofundme and all the disgruntled q refugees buy the site
  6. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    OH OH OH also, are they fully just deleting groups?????? like they’re all just gonna be gone?
  7. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    do y’all know if q would consider NOT doing this update? i’ve been on there for just about 8 years now and i will be so sad if i have to leave 💔 also, transferring all of my journals seems like SUCH a hassle i do not want to do.
  8. ataraxyii

    Chitchat Quotev Survivors

    im a q survivor and how tf does site work i am struggling so hard
  9. ataraxyii

    Introduce Yourself!

    hi i’m eli, they/them. q is dying so here i am! been rping for like 7ish years