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  1. ripplescale

    Experiences ✶ what were your guys first roleplays? <3

    Wolfquest RP was my jam! Glad to know there are people out there to share that with haha
  2. ripplescale

    Fandom Ever After High Interest Check

    A girl!
  3. ripplescale

    Fandom Ever After High Interest Check

    I haven’t watched Ever After High but I’m interested! Perhaps a child of Arachne if you’ll allow Greek myths!
  4. ripplescale

    How High Can We Count Without A MOD?

  5. ripplescale

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi!! I used to have an account here a few years ago before moving on a little, but I decided to come back to see what I can do to improve my writing. I’m excited to see what roleplays I can potentially jump into!