I'm sorry, but I want to let you all know that I might not end up joining the rp after all. No guarantees in either direction and I might end up getting a character in, but at the same time I'm just not fully feeling it and I don't know why.
Speaking of my lateness, sometimes this site doesn't inform me when there is a post in a thread I am following, so I would appreciate it if people would let me know via a private conversation message if/when I am needed or would appreciate to be present.
Because I have issues with taking delays, I'm only starting on my character (which I promised) now... and I hate how the classics which I love (Alola-pix and Riolu) are both available. They are both among the cliche of the cliche for PMD, but I love them both. One part of me wants to go with a...
Sure, I can discuss a bit... when I come up with my idea on my character. Generally speaking though, I tend to personally prefer to use characters whose personalities and story align with the death, justice, or hanged man arcana.
How old are our characters supposed to be for this, since the woman refers to herself as ''big' sister'? (Well, how old are they supposed to be proportionally speaking for their race)
Definitely not having kept her opponent waiting for over a week, Anju walks on to the battle scene, breathing in a steady rhythm to calm her nerves. She was somewhat surprised that she managed to make it past the appeals round. But at the same time, her late mother's Volcarona was always a star...