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  1. ClearAsDay

    Forest fire

    A shutter racked Fox's body as Komala's paw prodded her back. She stirred slightly and turned to face the bear. "Oh- It's time to move already?" She stretched and meandered out from under the bush. The land was scorching today; hotter than the days before. As soon as the sunlight had met the...
  2. ClearAsDay

    Forest fire

    The sky had transformed into a musty purple, creating yet another dry and desolate night in the desert. Fox had digested what her new companion had said to her. And she was right. She was the first one to accept that the time of destruction was in the past and that it wasn't her fault. Even Fox...
  3. ClearAsDay

    Forest fire

    Fox rested her head on her paws once more. "I got driven out of the watering hole a ways back there. I think they stopped following me by now," She glanced out toward where she had come, just to make sure there wasn't a stalker. "My name is Fox. You seem kind, Komi..." Fox rolled over onto her...
  4. ClearAsDay

    Forest fire

    (Ahh yay! Thank you so much for jumping in! I am honored to help you begin your journey into the magical world of role playing! X3) Fox was taken aback by the bear's kindness, relinquishing this small haven to a generation of the destructive fire wielders. "Well, thank you," She said quietly...
  5. ClearAsDay

    •Gone Rogue• ▬Lone Cat Rp▬

    Name: Raven Age: Undecided... Gender: Female Personality: Generally quiet and not very social. But, she can change her attitude in a flash and transform into a condescending, defensive cat. Looks Crush: Undecided... Mate: N/A Kits: None.. Yet ;) Litter Mates: Undecided...
  6. ClearAsDay

    Hm. Alright :) Looks pretty cool! *goes to sign up sheet*

    Hm. Alright :) Looks pretty cool! *goes to sign up sheet*
  7. ClearAsDay

    Ciao RPNation!

    Hello! :D Uhm.. I don't really know what to say... I have role played a few times in the past and I LOVE IT! :D My favorite genres are fantasies and things alike. It helps me escape from the limited reality that I live in. :) I would love to make lots of rp buddies who love to write and...
  8. ClearAsDay

    Cursed Beyond the Blessing {Literate}

    The door to the diner swung open. The other few patrons looked up in surprise, and someone gasped, but the atmosphere remained somewhat normal. A girl ran inside, panting heavily. Upon closer examination, her side had been lethally injured. She stumbled forward, attempting to steady herself on a...
  9. ClearAsDay

    Forest fire

    // Hey! First rp on rpnation. This idea came to me a while ago and I hope it will be fun!// Centuries ago, the earth was covered by thick, lush forests. Now, dry desert is what resides in their place. The animals that once lived in these forest have blamed this horrible incident on Fox. Her...