Search results for query: *

  1. Puff Of Posativa

    Other What would your perfect day be like?

    Wake up S L O W Pool-side Yoga/meditation Fruitchuterie for Breakfast Some sort of water activity - be it boating, beaching, ect. End the day with a burning hot shower and brand new jammies and a face mask. Bonus points if I actually catch a tan/sunglow
  2. Puff Of Posativa

    Other What's your infodump subject?

    Insurance. I am a riot at parties.
  3. Puff Of Posativa

    Multiple Settings Puff ~ Puff ~ Posativa [[A Roleplay Partner Search Thread]]

    You are magical. ❄️ Don't let anyone tell you different. #Bump
  4. Puff Of Posativa

    Other What’s your “cringey” interest?

    Needlepoint. It's cringe, but it's art.
  5. Puff Of Posativa

    Other Current Food Obsession ?

    Hot Pot and Korean BBQ I probably consume an illegal amount, but it's SO good.
  6. Puff Of Posativa

    Introduce Yourself!

    YASSSS!!!! I would love to - even if it's just in the name of friendship verses roleplay! LOL
  7. Puff Of Posativa

    Multiple Settings Puff ~ Puff ~ Posativa [[A Roleplay Partner Search Thread]]

    Hi everyone! I am Puff and I'm excited to start a roleplay with you all beautiful people! I am mostly into slice of life, drama, mafia, crime, and various TV shows if you're wishing to do a fandom. I prefer in PMs and if we are introducing a romantic couple, I typically only play mxf pairings...
  8. Puff Of Posativa

    Multiple Settings MATTAVIOUS has entered the chat. [Plot updates 02/19/2024]

    I am interested in the trouble in paradise plot. I'm interested in creating a murder mystery! I can't send messages just yet but I'd love to plot with you!
  9. Puff Of Posativa

    Introduce Yourself!

    Hi~ I'm Puff! Nice to meet everyone! Looking to start new friendships and start some new roleplay adventures here! :)